33. Betrayal

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No'El woke up and gazed at the wooden ceiling which had holes. The spiderweb was decorating the corners of the room. Wood was slowly rotting and everything seemed abandoned. Even the smell was old, dusty.

He blinked a few times trying to enjoy the well-rested feeling he didn't felt at all. In fact, he felt constant adrenaline in his blood. Then he remembered he possesses beast blood now.

He gazed around this abandoned shack and saw familiar figure sitting by the small fireplace. Sybille was sleeping there, breathing so peacefully.

No'El got up and left the warm bed. He felt a bit dizzy, but more powerful at the same time. The urge to run outside in the wild was almost unbearable, but he had to control himself. He approached to Sybille who slowly opened her red eyes, obviously hearing his steps.

"Welcome back to the living."

She said that with her dose of sarcasm which made No'El smile. He crouched next to her and enjoyed the beauty of her hair which was now not hidden by the blue cowl. Golden reddish locks were shining in front of warm fire. He touched one strand of her hair.

"Me being a werewolf and you a vampire...Aren't we supposed to be enemies now?"

No'El asked and chuckled. Sybille rolled her eyes and grabbed his hands, making him gaze directly in her eyes.

"Even if you were the greatest evil of this world, you would never be my enemy. Even though this foul scent of yours is slightly repulsive."

No'El gently smiled at Sybille whose eyes seemed warmer than ever. For a moment, he wished they could stay in this abandoned shack forever, away from their enemies. But he knew their fight isn't over. With a distant gaze he made few steps backwards.

"How did we escape?"

He asked Sybille.

"You turned into a werewolf soon after Alesan escaped. You were a big enough distraction to the guards so I used that to escape, knowing I will find you somewhere in these woods. You were very close to this shack so I quickly found you and let you rest here."

"Alesan is safe?"

"Yes, along with his daughter and rest of the vampires. They retreated to castle Volkihar."

Sybille clamly said and No'El sighed, turning back toward her. Both of them had slightly worried gaze.

"What do we do now?"

No'El asked. He was still very aware that Dawnguard will hunt them for as long as they can, and somehow he knew Blaise won't give up so easily.

"Run. Perhaps out of Skyrim. The sooner the better."

Sybille stated and left No'El shocked. He didn't believe he heard her right.

"Run? Wouldn't you like to return to castle Volkihar? You could be safe there. After all, Dawnguard still doesn't know the location of it."

"I told you I am not welcomed there. Even if I was, I would have never returned there."

Sybille stated letting No'El know there is no further questioning of her decision. Somehow, he liked that idea of being stuck with her on the run. However, there was this small sting of unfinished business inside him. And it bothered him.

"Maybe we could help Alesan somehow."

"In what? If he is smart he won't go attack Dawnguard. This is no longer our fight, No'El. We have to leave the past behind and move on."

No'El frowned slightly, disliking Sybille's decision. But what more he could do for Alesan? Indeed, their fight was done.

No'El let his thoughts wonder to his homeland, Elsweyr. He missed warm sands, wished to show them one day to Sybille.

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