19. True Horizon

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Alesan was waiting impatiently for No'El to come. The Khajiit was late for at least 20 minutes. What is he doing? Where is he?

When No'El finally showed up, Alesan would have easly thought he saw a ghost if No'El wasn't all covered in black and greyish fur.

"Where were you?"

Alesan asked, trying not to sound too annoyed or irritated or angry. No'El just shrugged. He seemed strange, distracted, like he wasn't here at all.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. I had some business to do that I wasn't able to skip."

"No problem. Are we ready to go, then?"

Alesan searched with his green eyes one more time if some of the guards followed him. Luckly, they stopped doing that. Well, they still do, but not so often. He obviously proved he is not a psychotic killer like the rest of the competitors so guarding him was a waste of prescious time.

"Yeah, let's go."

The city was loud this evening. The citizens were celebrating the burning of king Olaf. It was no longer forbbiden holiday, so the whole happening took place at the Bard's College.

Both No'El and Alesan watched the strawed giant on fire. Fire tongues danced on it's body, framing it. Fire crackling was an additional rythm to bard's singing and recitation.

When he was finished, the audience clapped and the rest of the bards picked up their lutes, drums and flutes and the music started flowing through Solitude. Everywhere around Alesan were happy people dancing, spilling their mead on their clothes and laughing. Dresses of women spinned just like fire did on the burning Olaf.

After few more hours, some people started to leave. But not home. They went to the closest taverns. And so did Alesan and No'El. Winking Skeever was full of drunk man and women. Some of them were already sleeping on the floor and some of them were still laughing and trying to sing with bards. It wasn't a pleasant sound to hear.

"What a night!"

Alesan said and took a sip of his mead. Even he felt kind of dizzy. He wondered if No'El was the same. Well, it would be fun to see that Khajiit drunk. But somehow, Alesan knew that is not going to happen.

"Indeed, my friend!"

No'El said and smiled. He raised his tankard high in the air. Alesan did too and they made a toast. Alesan was happy that he has a new friend beside Blaise. He felt ashamed for mocking him in the beginning. Even though No'El was much younger, he was far more wiser than Alesan. Maybe the problem is that Alesan never learnt how to hold on his anger, while No'El seemed perfectly calm in every situation. Like a true soldier.

However, No'El seemed distant and  worried. Alesan wondered what is on his mind that bothers him so much.

"You know, you seem a bit like you are dreaming of walking through Sovngarde. What is it that made you so lost?"

No'El's ears moved slightly. He didn't really move. And he was silent before he said anything.



"I will tell you just this again. Be careful. Some people around you might be your enemies and not your friends."

Alesan was confused now. Perhaps, No'El really did drink a bit too much. Well Alesan had to admit he didn't really know the anatomy of Khajiit and how they react to alcohol.


"Let's make a toast for your success in the tournament. You better win this or I'm going to skin you alive."

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