6. Allies and Enemies

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No'El was still eating the apple when he showed Alesan he can start. That left Alesan confused. Khajiit didn't even took a stance. He was just casually standing there with a wooden sword in his hands like it was just a toy. Well, it was.

"Should I wait until you are finished?"

Alesan asked annoyed. No'El shook his head and gulped, swallowing the piece of apple.

"If I showed you to start, start."

He said and took another bite of apple. That slightly enraged Alesan so he rushed and attacked. And he was left shocked to see how fast he found himself on his butt on the cold floor.

He looked back at No'El who was in the same position like nothing happend. Then Alesan saw his foot. It was slightly raised. He set his foot and Alesan fell over it before he could touch No'El's sword.

"Oh, don't worry. You are not the first one, nor the last who fell on that. Maybe you want to try again?"

Khajiit asked, still not turning. He took another bite of the apple.

"Will you turn?"

Alesan asked after he got up on his feet.


No'El asked. Alesan frowned, confused.

"How am I supposed to attack you? From behind?"

"You are a former member of Dawnguardians, am I right?"

"Dawnguard. Yes, I am."

"Whatever. That means, you were a warrior. And you have experience in fight. Don't tell me you have never attacked a vampire from behind. Is it dishonorful? Disgraceful? Disgusting? Not heroic? I know you did attack from behind. I know you stabbed victims in the back. I know who you were, Alesan. But you are not that anymore. You are nothing now. If you don't leave the past behind, you will not be able to go foward. If you won't be the first to attack from behind, someone else will. And believe me, everyone in this hall are capable and willingful to do that. They are just waiting for a perfect chance. Like beasts."

Alesan didn't want to admit it, but he saw the truth behind No'El's words. He was ashamed that some kid was smarter than him. He attacked.

No'El was ready and quickly made a move unknown yet to Alesan. Khajiit's sword knocked Alesan's out of his hands and the Nord was now disarmed.

"Even though is wooden weapon, hold it tightly. I believe that reason for this easy disarming is unusual grip and weight of weapon. I hope so."

"Less talk, more work."

Alesan hissed and attacked again. Each attack was better, but No'El wasn't panting nor he moved too much. On the other side, Alesan was covered with sweat. His throat was burning. He needed water. He needed rest. This was too strange and too much. His condition was awful.

"Your stamina is miserable."

No'El concluded as he tossed the bucket of water to Alesan. He caught it and started drinking like he was thirsty for a week.

"I can see that."

"Tomorrow, first thing we do is running for two hours. I will make my couriers deliver you the schedule."


"Okay. Enough. Get up. We aren't finished yet."

He knocked the bucket out of Alesan's hands while he was still drinking. The water spurted him. He gave No'El angry look, but Khajiit couldn't see it because he was already heading to the other part of hall where were placed some bags full of sand or straw. They were used as dummies for training. Alesan took one of it and wanted to place it on the wall when No'El stopped him.

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