35. Redemption

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No'El returned to the abandoned shack, secretely hoping Sybille will be there. To his relief, she was. He approached to her and saw her in one piece, completely fine.

"Is it done?"

She asked No'El with slight shivering in her usually arrogant voice. The Khajiit simply nodded, making Sybille sigh.

"Are you all right?"

She asked him again wearing the worried gaze on her face. No'El smiled and approached her. He put his paws on her shoulders.

"I am fine. How did you manage to do it?"

He asked, referring to the mission Mina gave her for the redemption to castle Volkihar. Sybille gently smiled remembering the events from past nights.


Sybille knew that going to Solitude wold be too risky, they would capture her immediately. Luckly, she knew about Blaise being an orphan who lived for some time at Katla's farm, the stables right in front of Solitude. He knew once in a while to come by and bring fresh groceries and necessities.

After stealing one of Katla's letters she changed the date for tomorrow evening. The letter was simple, telling Blaise what she needs him to bring, but the date of when he should come and deliver the goods was set for two weeks and that was too long time period.

Sybille send the courier to Solitude, giving him some extra coin to reach Blaise as soon as possible. Tomorrow evening, she awaited the warrior who came like a dumb fool without even suspecting the letter. Perhaps he was to busy to pay attention to that error. It didn't matter now. He came and Sybille needed to persuade him to attack castle Volkihar.

Blaise immediately pulled out the sword when he saw her approaching from the shadows. She raised her palms, showing him she means no harm. That calmed him down a little bit but not enough to make him seathe the two-handed sword.

"I need to speak to you."

"Oh no! You only need to die."

Blaise hissed, slowly preparing to attack Sybille no matter what. Sybille slightly frowned at his stubborness.

"Blaise, are you realy such fool to think I would approach you without a valid reason?"

He changed his expression and seathed his sword.


"I have a valuable information, but I need a favour for that."

"I will give you no favours."

"Then you won't hear the information."

"What kind of favour."

"To stop chasing me after this, simple as that."

"You have done a high treason toward Jarl Elisif the Fair. Your sins are unforigavble."

"Unforgivable even for the right location of castle Volkihar?"

That made Blaise stop and rethink everything. Sybille didn't particularly like him being so suspicious, but this was the best she could do.

"You are lying."

"I was once a court wizard there. I know that place like my palm."

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