31. Back to Present

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As the Blood of the Ancient coiled through Alesan's black veins, his eyes started gleaming with red shine and his teeth grew like beast's. Everything peaceful, calm, humane faded away from his cursed soul. The velvet cape of darkness embraced him and showed him once again the power of evil. The power he felt, irreplacable, so taunting and free, dominant and chaotic. Everything he ever wished for in his damned life.

The bitter feeling of loss has opened the old wounds Dawnguard tried to sew against Alesan's will. Strings tore apart and dark liquid filled him. Shards of glass cut his heart and it brought back the pain, misery, but above all, hate.

The monstruous eyes traced the room searching only for one man, Blaise Silver-Storm. But they found only his helper, Lucrezia.


"Lady Lucrezia, I am glad you meet me now, the true me. My name is Alesan Darkash."

Alesan stood proudly, never again hunched like a mortal. He smiled wickedly as he slowly approached the golden-haired woman who slowly started taking off the innocent mask.

"I would have let you live maybe, but as you may know, I am a starving vampire and I require your blood."

"You'll never taste it."

Lucrezia hissed and jumped at him, turning at the same time into a werewolf. The humane eyes became wild and thirsty for blood. Once beautiful golden locks was now dark and sharp fur. Gentle hands replaced claws ready to tear the flesh off Alesan.

On the other side, Alesan rolled aside and avoided her attack. Since she was massive werwolf, Alesan used her slower than vampire movements and quickly found himself on her back. Quickly, he wrapped his arms around her neck and with one swift move broke the spine that connected skull.

Lucrezia turned back to human and her pale, lifeless body fell on the cold ground next to Alesan's legs. The vampire crouched and turned Lucrezia to see her face which seemed so peaceful as her turquoise eyes became glassy and he knew she was only seeing darkness now and waiting for Hircine to collect her soul.

But something else caught Alesan's attention. He gently removed hair from her neck and let his fangs show. In a few moments he dug them into her still warm skin and begun feeding.

Filthy werewolf blood didn't even bother him, for it seemed an eternity has passed since he tasted this mesmerizing juice of life for his kind. He enjoyed the sweet flavour of lady's bloody until he was interrupted by scream of a man he was seeking.


Blaise screamed as he entered the room when the horrific scene made him froze in place. He looked at the monster who took the life of his companion, of the woman he secretly adored.

"What have you done?!"

Bronze-haired warrior kept on screaming and spitting venomous words at Alesan who stood up and let the dead blood drip down his mouth, showing the monster he is.

"Blaise, my dearest friend. I hoped my words would still echo in your ears even ten years after you took everything away from me. You will suffer and you will feel pain I did. So, here it is. Your secret lover is dead, pale with no blood. She served only as a meal to me, nothing more. I killed her only because I was hungry. Just like you were hungry for glory."

Blaise's eyes watered as he gazed at the pale corpse of Lucrezia. The words of Dark Lord cut deeply into his heart and it gave oil to the fire of anger in his chest.

"I wasn't hungry for glory! I killed her because I wanted to avenge you! Silver Witch was to blame for taking you away, I thought you were dead!"

"You can't even say her name...Calling me one hideous creature, but look at you. You ruined my happiness because of your selfishness. It was you who felt grief, anger and loneliness. It was enough to make you return to ruin my life."

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