Author's Notes

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First, above all, I want to thank you for reading my book and since you've come to this part, you obviously liked it and that means a lot to me.

If by any chance you haven't read it but you are reading this, I would advise you to keep reading the book because this will contain some spoilers.

Now, ab ovo, from the beginning. I started writing this book aproximately two years ago. As you may conclude, the main characters, Alesan and Blaise, are basically inspired by the two children who you may adopt in Skyrim. It is not really any big deal considering this, I can say that I like their names, but that two boys were just a mere skeleton for the characters I wanted to develop.

After writing this book, if you ask me what is one and main topic of it, I cannot answer you. A lot of different topics developed while I was writing it, so the book itself wasn't specifically planned in the way that I knew exactly what will happen when. Of course, I had some main "spine" of the story, in which way it will go, but a lot of things were added, like discs to the spine. So considering topics that this book touches I can count in here: friendship, time, changing and love.

My main idea was to show the relationship between two characters that has developed and changed through time as did their main motives and persepctives. This also spreads to other characters, showing their way of thinking and relations with other people around them.

However, the most important point to me was to show them as grey characters and not black or white. I actually caught the glimpse of that idea while playing Skyrim. If you pay attention you can clearly see that the characters, NPCs and so on, are represented as both good and evil. The game gives you this freedom to be both hero and villain. Therefore, this shows how it works in real life, because we know very well that there are no good nor bad people. We all have flaws and virtues. In order to make my and some Skyrim characters, that appear in my book, more vivid, alive and realistic I tried to give them that greyness.

The starting point, as I said, was Alesan's and Blaise's friendship which developed into deadly rivalry. The most fascinating thing was this process of development of one character, how it becomes hero/villain. What I hoped to achieve in the end is the reader's hesistance toward every character. I wanted a reader not to trust any of the characters, because they are all selfish and cannot be trusted.

Another important theme is the passage of time. It was used as a factor that helped in this changing of friendship, because time changes people. Every year we are smarter because we learn new things, we experience something new. We are not even aware of how drastically we change through time. That was also followed by other factors like new people in characters' lives and emotions they invoke in them.

To conclude this, I want to point out this constant change that happens in lives and carves people's personality. I wanted to show how one person can have a great influence on ones development, like is the case with Sylvianne and Alesan. They knew eachother very short, but Sylvianne became the most important person in his life and changed him. However, it was imporant to show characters' weakness and strength. Alesan was too weak and he allowed Sylvianne to doom him in a way, but for all this consequences for his life the only person to blame is himself. He allowed that to happen to him even though he had a choice. We always have a choice in our lives, it only depends on how farsighted we are.

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