Boyf Riends- Dolls pt2

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"Do you uh, want something to drink? Or eat?"

Jeremy didn't look away from the doll. It's black, glass eyes made him want to die on the spot, but he couldn't look away. He wasn't allowed to look away. "Uh, maybe just like, a coke? Thanks."

Jeremy watched as his boyfriend walked up the stairs, thoughtlessly watching his boyfriends ass. Jeremy snapped out of it when Michael accidental slammed the basement door, and Jeremy turned back to the... empty chair.

Jeremy stood up, looking around for the doll. He could hear it giggle, as if finding Jeremy's fear funny.

"Oh Jeremy. It's so cute that you think you can stop me!"

Jeremy whipped around, but didn't see anyone. "Where the fuc-" Jeremy's words were cut off by a tiny doll hand covering his mouth.

"Don't fret! We're gonna have lots of fun! Well, I am!"

Jeremy tried to scream as he felt something use his body as a host. He tried to get rid of the doll, but his arms were no longer his own.

He was no longer in control.


"Michael... maybe you shouldn't have left me alone."

Jeremy could feel his mouth grinning like a mad man, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Jeremy?" Michael asked, fear evident in his voice.

Jeremy wanted to scream back yes, I'm here but he knew he couldn't. He'd already fought with the doll, and now he was paralyzed.

"Don't worry," Jeremy heard his voice say. "He's gone. Dead. I killed him and I'm using his body for fun."

Michael took a shaky step back, and Jeremy wanted to scream.

"He was fun to kill. He let out a scream for you, but you didn't hear, did you? Ah, young love at its finest. Seeing the one you love, sorry, loved most die right before your eyes and knowing you couldn't do anything about it! Well, actually you probably could have. If only you had heard him! Oh well." Jeremy shrugged. "What is it you kids say now a days? It be like that sometimes."

"No. No please. Not him. Anyone but him." Michael pleaded.

"Sorry! You're too late."

He's not too late! Jermey tried to scream. I'm right here!

"No!" Michael raced up the stairs, slamming the door shut behind him. He breathed heavily, collapsing to the ground.

"Did the doll kill him?"

Michael looked up, and through his tears he could make out the face of Mr.Heere. He barley had the strength to nod his head.

"Then here." Michael glanced at the black object his boyfriends dad had just slid to him. Picking it up, he realized it was a gun. "It'll only grow stronger with a host. You need to kill the host body. It won't be able to function without it."

Michael shaking stood up. "But, But isn't the host body already dead? It... it killed him..."

"His spirit is dead. Now kill his body." The bolder man said forcefully. "Don't worry, Jeremy won't feel anything. You'll be doing the world a favor.


Being shot hurt worse that Jeremy would've thought. He cried out, feeling the doll slip away from him as he fell to the floor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it.

The doll.

It seemed to be... smiling. And getting closer to Michael. Too close.

Jeremy tried to warn him by moving, but the pain was so unbearable that he couldn't.

He could only watch as his boyfriends eyes turned into the dolls black, glassy eyes.

"Well Jeremy, Mr.Heere. Thank you for your hard work. It really helped." Michaels voice said, kneeling down next to Jeremy's dying body. "Oh, and Jeremy? Michael says he's sorry."

And with that, a final two gunshot rang out through the house.

When the police would come to investigate, they'd find a suicide note from someone marked Jeremy Heere, telling the world how much he'd truly wanted to kill his dad and boyfriend. How broken he'd been, and how the only comforting thing in his life had been a small, porcelain doll that his mother had given him just before leaving.

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