Kleinsen- Hurt. Pt2

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Warnings: Talking about abusive ex boyfriend

Evan woke up the next morning in an empty bed and with a throbbing head. He tried to sit up quietly, and instantly regretted that decision as he fell back down.

"Woah, woah, stop, what are you doing?" Evan heard Jared put something down then rush over to Evan. "Dude." Jared whispered as he carefully helped Evan sit back up.

Once he was sure that Evan was okay, he grabbed the tray he had and brought it over to Evan. "Here. I got us breakfast." Jared handed Evan a tall glass of water, urging him to drink it. Jared placed the tray on his nightstand, then brought his desk chair next to his bed. He handed Evans plate to Evan, then dig into his breakfast.

He'd eaten about half of his when he realized Evan hadn't touched his yet. "What's up? Do you want something else?" Evan jolted up like he'd just been shocked.

"Oh, uh, no, no it's amazing, Jared. I'm uh, not hungry, sorry."

"Like hell you aren't. You probably didn't have dinner last night, and you barely had lunch yesterday..." Jared trailed off, his mind racing. "Oh. Fuck Connor." He mumbled to himself before looking up at Evan. "Hey. You are absolutely stunning, okay? You don't need to starve yourself or anything for anyone, okay dude?"

Evan hesitated before giving Jared a small nod. He picked up his fork, and took a bite of fruit. His eyes closed as he finally was able to enjoy the sweet taste, and Jared watched in amusement.

"You haven't even tried the eggs yet," Evan blushed, a smiled on his face as he realized he'd been watched. "The eggs are the best part, trust me. Oh! And the bacon!"

Evan weakly smiled. "I uh, I can't have bacon, but thank you."

Jared was about to go off on a rant when Evan stopped him. "Pork? I can't have anything from a pig. I'm Jewish?"

"Oh. Oh fuck, god, I'm so sorry." Jared took off the bacon, putting it on his plate. "I'm so sorry. Do you want me to get you a different plate or something?"

"No, no, it's uh, it's fine." Evan studied Jared closely. "You... you actually care about me."

"Yeah, duh. Why wouldn't I?" Jared awkwardly looked away, trying not to look at Evan. "You're... fuck, Evan. You're amazing, okay? Like, just, god. That fuckwad Connor doesn't know what he had." Jared ran a hand through his hair, chuckling to himself. "I just... if you ever feel like shit again, just come to me. Please? I know I'm kind of an ass, and I'm not good with emotions, but I'm trying man. I'll... I'll try anything for you."

Evans mind went blank as he stared at Jared. His emotions swarmed around him like lovebugs, and he was sure that Jared could hear his heartbeat. Without hesitation, Evan leaned in, holding Jared's face as he pushed their lips together.

It was better than anytime he'd spent with Connor. It was new, exciting. It felt safe, protecting. It was Jared, and it was all he could ever want.

He relaxed when Jared kissed back, his hands being careful to not hurt Evans.

When the finally pulled away, Jared had a goofy grin on his face. "Holy shit." He mumbled. "Wait till Connor sees how fucking adorable we will be as a couple. He'll blow his shit." Jared paused, glancing back at Evan. "You uh, are okay with that, right? Us...?"

Evan smiled wide. "Is this, are you, asking me out?"

"Uh, ye-uh, Yeah. Yeah, I am."

"Then yeah, I'm perfectly okay with us. It'll be us, and only us. No, no Connor." Evan smiled wider, placing a soft kiss on Jared's lips. "I'm so happy."

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