Boyf Riends- Color Me, Soulmate

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Requested by @rachel_i_guess

Also, I have an art account on instagram! I posted the link in my bio. Go check it out!

Jeremy Heere was... awkward. Well, in an awkward spot.

He desperately wanted to figure out who his soulmate was. That black mark on his wrist was killing him. Well, not literally. It just itched sometimes, and Jeremy didn't like how it looked on his hip. He'd heard that it would turn like, a million different colors, and he just really wanted to see that.

He'd tried everyone, from Christine, to Brooke, to Jenna, to that one nerdy kid his stepbrother always hangs out with, but to no avail. The only person he hadn't tried was-

"Dude, you good?"

Jeremy rapidly blinked his eyes, the video game coming back into focus. "Yeah, why uh, why wouldn't I be? You good, bro?"

Michael rolled his eyes. "Dude, I'm like, your best friend. Do you really think I don't know you're lying?" Jeremy looked away, guilty. "Come on man, just tell me what's up."

"I, uh, you know. It be like this sometimes."

"I mean, it truly do, but like...? What is this?" Michael looked into Jeremy's eyes before pulling back. "You're upset because of your soulmate tattoo, right?"


"Yeah, checks out." Michael turned back to the game, still talking. "I don't know why you're so like, ansi about it though. Like, it's just a soulmate." Michael switched to his 'cute annoying voice' that Jeremy hated. "And I alweady know your mwy soulmate."

"Shut up!"

"Make me, Heere."

Something snapped in Jeremy's brain. If you'd asked him why he did what he was about to do, he would honestly have no idea.

That's why it surprised them both when Jeremy pounced on Michael, grabbing both of the boys arms and pinning them over his head. He held Michael down with his other arm, allowing him to passionately kiss Michael.

Michael immediately kissed back, and Jeremy could feel him wiggle out of the grip his arms were in as Michael placed one of his arms on Jeremy's hip, pulling him closer.

Eventually, Jeremy had to pull away from lack of air, and that's when it all hit him. "Oh."

"Oh it's right, buddy. Or should I call you bae?"

"Please don't call me bae. We, we aren't even soul-" Jeremy stopped mid-sentence, looking at Michaels wrists. "Micha?"

"What? What's wrong?" Michael followed Jeremy's gaze until he looked at his own wrists; the once black marks were now oozing with colors.

Jeremy slowly lifted his shirt, revealing the once black mark on his hip was now the same colorful mess as Michaels wrists.

"So... can I call you bae now?"

"Michael, how do you always know how to perfectly ruin a moment?"

Michael shrugged. "It's just one of my specialties."

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