Boyf Riends- Red

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This is a short chapter, sorry loves!

Michael Mell can see auras. Yes it's weird; and he knows that. But it helps him deal with emotions.

Everyone's changed depending on their mood; all of them having the same basic colors. Dark blue, sadness. Pink, flirty/horny. Gray, calm, and etc. Everyone had their own color for happiness, and it was Michaels 'job' to keep everyone he loved in their aura.

Jeremy's aura, when he was super happy, was a lava red. Michael loved it when he was the cause of the red radiating off of him, but in all honesty, he was just happy that Jeremy was happy.

They'd laugh together, or just be together, and Michael could always make Jeremy's aura from light blue to bright red.

Then 11th grade hit.

Jeremy's aura started becoming tainted with blue, and no matter how hard Michael tried, there was nothing he could do to make his aura pure red again.

Then the SQUIP came.

And Jeremy's aura was red again.

Except... it seemed wrong. Almost like a hologram.

At first, Michael dismissed it. Jeremy was red, and that was all that mattered.

But as the days passed, Michael started to noticed his true aura shinning through, under the hologram.

Dark blue. The darkest Michael had ever seen.


Michael glanced over at Jeremy, smiling to himself. Jeremy didn't notice Michaels looks, enjoying his popcorn as they sat together watching some stupid romantic movie.

Michael leaned over, pecking Jeremy on the lips.

Jeremy laughed, putting the bowl aside as he climbed into Michael lap. "What was that for?"

"Nothing. I just remembered that I can kiss you and stuff whenever I want, so." Michael said, putting his hands on Jeremy's hips. Jeremy leaned down, pecking Michael on the lips softly.

When he pulled back, Jeremy's aura was the brightest red he'd ever seen.

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