Tree Bros- Secret Dates

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"Evan, come on. He's like, totally into you. Just let us do something."

"Yeah," Jared said, agreeing with Alana. "You're too much of a wimp to do it yourself. Let us help you get laid!"

"Okay, sit down Romeo." Zoe pulled Jared down, and he awkwardly sat down. Evan reluctantly sat next to him, making sure he didn't glanced up at Connor again.

"Oh don't even try that, Evvie. You know you want to eye fuck school shooter." Jared said, winking.

"Don't call him that." Evan growled, then immediately blushed and glanced down at the table. "It's, it's rude."

"Right. Um, well, what if we set you up on a blind date?" Alana asked, trying to clear the tension.

"Yeah, how though? My brother won't do anything I ask him!" Zoe complained. "God, Evan, I love you and I know you love him, but holy fucking shit you deserve someone better than Connor."

"Like me!" Jared said happily.

Zoe rolled her eyes. "I said someone better than Connor. Not worse."

"Maybe I could convince him! We had chem together in 10th grade, so maybe he'll listen to me!" Alana babbled on. "Oh, we could throw you guys a big party, and-"

"No, an anxiety ridden kid going to a party? Didn't think so. Maybe like a cute little first date thing, with like, a cool retro dinner-" Zoe was cut off by Jared this time.

"Okay, but then he'd have to order stuff, and you know how bad he is at that."

"What, do you have a better idea, hot shot?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." Jared said smugly.
"You know those cheesy tumblr date things where they go out to a park with all the lights and stuff and like, bring a picnic or whatever? Evan would like, cream his pants for that shit."

"I hate the way you said that, but yes, I agree. Evan would be... very excited to do that." Alana agreed.

"Okay. So Jared and I will set up the park with all the lights and stuff, and I'll bring the food."

"I'll bring the booz." Jared tried.

"Absolutely not." Alana fired back.

"Okay, and then Alana, is your job to get Connor to the place. Jared, you can bring even to the picnic. How does that sound, Evan?" The group turned to the empty seat.

"Wait, where the fuck is Evan?"


"So they're trying to do what?" Connor asked again, making Evan laugh harder.

"They want, they want us to, to go on a, on a secret date, and, and Alana, she's, she's-" He cut himself off, not being able to talk through the laughter.

Connor tried to hide his smile but failed when Evan buried his face in Connors jacket. His laughter was dying down, but he stayed still, hugging Connor for as long as he could.

"Hey, wanna go grab a scope? I found this really good ice cream shop..." Connor trailed off, his voice barely above a whisper.

"That sounds like a... like a perfect day."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now