Kleinsen- Where the lies end.

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Warning: Suicide attempt. The ending is fluffy though.

Evan took a deep breath, looking down. The school was surprisingly tall, a lot taller than the tree he had tried last time. He was just about to jump when Jared's voice called out to him.

"Evan Hansen, what do you think you're doing?" His voice was stern enough to make Evan turn towards him.

"Nothing, Jared. Leave me alone."

There was a few silent moments, and Evan thought he was finally alone.


Evan rolled his eyes. "Why what?" He asked, not fully trusting himself to speak more.

"Why are you going to... to..." Jared trailed off, not wanting to say the words; as if the words make it more true.

Evan let out a forced laugh. "A lot of, a lot of reasons. I fucked up everyone's life, I screwed over the Murphy's, my mom hates me, I don't have any friends, and the one fucking friend I have is only friends with me for car insurance." Evan said, getting off the ledge and moving closer to Jared as Evans words hit him.

When Evan saw how speechless Jared was, he turned back towards the ledge. He climbed up again, his fears gone with the wind.

"That's not... that's not true."

"What's not true? Because I know I fucked over everyone. I know that I'm a laughing stalk. I know that everyone hates me-"

"I'm not friends with you for car insurance!" Jared yelled, stopping Evan in the middle of his rant. "I'm not... that's not why I'm friends with you."

Evan didn't respond, so Jared kept talking, hoping to talk him down from the ledge. "I lied. I'm... I'm scared to open up to people. No matter how much I love someone, I push them to the side so they don't hurt me." Jared took a deep breath, shutting his eyes. "I hurt you more, and I know. I fucking know, but I just... I just didn't want to get hurt. It's fucking selfish, but..." Jared stopped.

Should he tell him? Jared thought. Better now then never.

"I pushed you away so hard because I knew you would never like me like that." He barely glanced over, but when he saw Evans eyes piercing his, he continued to rant. "God, you're so fucking good, and I'm nothing. I'm a stupid, selfish prick who lies. I've never been with a girl, I don't have any other friends, my parents don't pay me car insurance to hang out with you, and I have one big fucking crush on you and have loved you for so fucking long." Jared yelled through tears. "So don't you dare thing for one minute I'm going to let you jump. This is where the lies end, Hansen."

Evan let out a broken sob, and Jared rushed over to help him down. They held onto each other, basking in the others comfort.

Evan held onto Jared shirt tightly. Jared could feel the tears soaking his shirt, but he didn't care. He needed Evan just as much as Evan needed him right now.

And they stayed that way for a while, until the bright blue sky turned dark, and the warm sun turned cold.

"Come on, let's get you home." Jared said, hugging Evan tightly before grabbing his hand.

"I don't, I don't want to, I don't..."

"Hey, it's okay. Why don't I call your mom and you sleepover at my house, Okay?" Jared asked, a calming tone in his voice. "Everything will be fine, okay?"

Evan nodded his head as they went down the stairs and to Jared's car. He smiled to himself as Jared made sure he was buckled before taking off.

Someone finally waved back.

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