Clana- He Hides It Well pt2

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I'll make a Jared X Connor alternate ending tomorrow

Alana's doorbell rang in the middle of the night. Her head popped up off of her pillow, and she grabbed the baseball bat under her bed, and her phone.  "The one night my parents are away." She mumbled to herself.

She carefully tiptoed her way down the hall, making sure to stay out of the way from windows. She neared the door, and peaked through the peephole. She saw a dark figure standing outside.

Through the muffed door, Alana called out. "Brian, if that's you, just know I have a baseball bat and I've got my phone in my other hand."

"It's uh, it's me? Connor? Connor Murphy." Alana's baseball bat dropped to the ground. "I'm sorry to bother you."

The door flew open, and Connor was met with a sad looking Alana, who was seemingly studying all of Connors bruises and cuts. "Hey Con." She mumbled softly.

"Hey 'lana." Alana pulled Connor inside, looking the door behind them. They didn't say anything as Alana gently pulled Connor to the couch, sitting him down as she got the first aid kit.

She didn't say anything and didn't expect anything from Connor as she tended to his wounds. She was putting a bandaid on Connors cheek when Connor finally spoke.

"He... he hasn't done this before. I promise."


"He, he only does what I deserve."


"He loves me!" Connor protested, while Alana only let out another soft Okay.

"Why don't you believe me?" Connor asked.

Alana sighed, closing the first aid kit. "Con, believe it or not, I was once in a relationship like... like this. Abusive," She ignored Connors scoff. "And feeling like I was a worthless piece of trash. Well guess what Murphy? You aren't worthless. You aren't a piece of trash. You do deserve someone who will treat you well. That's what you deserve."

"Oh." Connor mumbled, wiping a falling tear away. "But, I don't... I do deserve... Evan said that-"

"Evan is a prick." Alana said bluntly. "You have to accept that. He's a prick who's using you because you'll do anything for him, but he doesn't have to do anything for you. Do you really want that kind of relationship?"

Connor shook his head, unable to say anything with the tears falling down his face.

"And another thing. I know you've helped him with his anxiety, but has he ever helped you with your depression?"

Connor hesitated before shaking his head.

"Exactly." Alana stated. "My ex, Brian, he uh, he made fun of me for my anxiety, but forced me to help him with his own. Sure, my anxiety isn't as bad as his or Evans, I'm a person with high functioning anxiety, but still. Your... your date-mate should be able to help you, or at least try."

Connor nodded his head, light sobs racking hi body as he collapsed into Alana.

"Shush, it's okay. I'm right here." Alana sang soothingly. "Come on, lets just go watch a movie in my room, okay? I'll protect you."

As if to prove a point, Connors phone went off. Connor instinctively reached for it, but Alana snatched it away from him.

Evvie: I'm sorry baby
Evvie: I'll make it up to you
Evvie has sent an image

Alana unlocked Connors phone with his fingerprint, and saw that Evan had sent an image of a box of chocolates and some flowers.

"Oh," Connor said, appearing happy. "See? He's sorry. He, he bought me things, and-"

"Connor, just because he buys you things doesn't mean he loves you." Alana put Connors phone on vibrate, and face down. "Now come on, we're gonna watch some stupid, cheesy movie in my bedroom and it's gonna be great. Do you want hot chocolate?"

"Yes." Connor said, finally feeling free. "Yes."

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