Kleinsen- Book Promo Who?

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Would you guys be willing to read something I write that isn't a fandom? Because I'm gonna write something that isn't a fandom, so

Also, yes, my story is what Jared is talking about. Because promotion who?

"And then, you'll never believe this one Hansen, I fucking cackled, the alien lady just was like 'Mating? Oh, you mean kissing!' And so Hermione was like, 'oh shit, we kissed, am I pregnant with an alien baby?' And I was like-"

Evan listened to his boyfriend talk about the movie he'd just watched, making sure to take in every detail. Evan wanted to know everything, so every few sentences he would ask a question, letting Jared know he was listening.

Evan didn't really care for it, but if it make Jared happy, it made Evan ecstatic. Evan watched Jared's eyes light up, and it made Evans heart swell.

"-so, then, Hermione was like... sorry, am I boring you?" Jared asked sheepishly. "I know it's all stupid, it's just like, a cool movie, and no one else will listen-"

"No no no!" Evan yelled, a little too loudly. He cringed at himself, starting over. "No, I uh, I like listening to you. It's okay. Keep, uh, keep talking."

Evan had learned that Jared tended to be more meek when it was just them, and Evan tended to be more confident, so he tried his best to make Jared feel at home.

"Are you sure?" Jared asked. "Cuz like, I know my voice is annoying." He let out a laugh, but Evan could tell it was forced. After being with Jared for so long, Evan could read the boy like an open book.

"I like, I uh, I like your voice!" Evan said, smiling awkwardly. He fiddled with his shirt. "I uh, you can keep talking. If you want. Of course."

"Or course." Jared repeated, sitting down next to Evan on his bed. "Well, uh, hey, instead of like, spoiling it, what if I forced you to watch it with me?"

"It wouldn't be force if I, if I want to go." Evan replied cheekily. "So."

"Huh. Well, It'd be force if I picked you up."

"If you what? What-!" Evan tried to escape from Jared's grasp, but he couldn't. "Put me down!" He managed to get out between his fits of laughter.

"I'm forcing you to go." Jared said again, kissing Evan gently on the lips. "So we can do role play stuff."


"Hey, that's my line, punk."

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