Tree Bros- Trees

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Warning: Murder

Part three of Flowers

"-Evan? You listening?" Connor asked, gently tapping Evans shoulder. Evan jumped, but smiled at Connor.

"Yeah, I'm uh, I'm all good."

"That's... not what I asked..." Connor trailed off, studying Evan. "And I don't believe that you're not okay."

"Well, I, I am, so." Evan protested, crossing his arms. "Just, don't, don't worry about me."

Connor dropped the topic quickly. "So, uh, what are you doing tonight?"

"Jared's coming over. We uh, we're just gonna like, uh, play video games? Just talk I guess."

"Sounds fun. Where is that nerd anyway?" Connor asked.

"He's sick but uh, he, he wants to come over. Probably to, uh, infect me."

"Yeah, sounds like a Jared thing to do." Connor gave Evan a small smile as the bell rang.

"I'll... see you later?" Connor asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, uh, later. Bye!" Evan rushed off, leaving a worried Connor behind.

"Hey Evan. I brought you these. I'm sorry." Connor scoffed to himself. "Sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?"

"Uh... I don't know what you're going through, but, uh, I'm here for you?" Connor rolled his eyes. "That's cheesy as hell."

Connor jumped when he heard a muffled cry coming from Evans room. He dropped the flowers quickly, slamming open the front door.

"Evan? Evan!" Connor raced up the stairs stopping when he was face to face with Evan.

"Hi? What are you, what are you doing here?" Evan asked. "Not that I don't like you being here! I'm just, you know, with Jared."

"Evan, what the fuck was that scream?" Connor finally looked down at Evan. "And why the hell are you covered in blood?" Connors breathing increased as he smelled something horrible.

He shoved past Evan, throwing open his bedroom door.

He wished he hadn't.

He was met face to face with what he thought was Jared, but he was almost unrecognizable at this point. He heard muffled sob coming from Jared, and he turned to face Evan.

"What the fuck is going on, Hansen?" Connor asked, anger lacing his voice. He grabbed the closest weapon he could, which thankfully was a sharp knife.

"Oh! I'm, I'm so sorry Connor. Did you, did you want to help? I mean, I'm almost done with this one, but I mean, do what you wish!"

"You're sick, Evan." Connor let out, using anger to cover up his fears.

"I'm not! This helps me! And, and I bet it would help you!" Evan moved closer to Connor, holding his hands up in a peaceful motion. "I've felt, so uh, so much better! Is like... it's like weed, but stronger. I feel so... powerful! And confident! It's... amazing!"

Connor looked in bewilderment at the boy he once loved. "You... you can't do this. I'm making you stop."

Evans aura shifted from gleeful to hateful in less than a second. "You can't, you're not allowed to take this away from me! I'm, I'm actually happy-!"

"You're murdering people, Hansen!" Connor protested. "And I'm gonna make you stop. No matter what."

"I thought you loved me." Evan turned around, slinking away before jumping onto Connors chest. Connor struggled under the new weight.

"I thought you cared about me!" Evan smiled evilly as he watched Connor struggle under his grip.

"I did." Connor made up his mind about what he had to do. "That's why I'm sorry for this."

"Sorry for what?" Evan asked before his voice was cut off. He coughed, surprised when he saw the sweet, red liquid on his fingers. He looked worriedly at Connor, before falling slump into him. Connor pushed him off, tears pricking his eyes as he sat up.

He glanced at the poor boy in the chair before quickly looking away. He grabbed his phone, quickly dialing the ambulance.

"God this sucks." Connor whispered quietly to Jared.

"Dude. I know." Jared tried to smile, but you couldn't tell with the wrap around his head. He sat in a wheelchair next to Connor, watching the funeral take place.

"Do you feel bad?" Connor asked, quietly.

Jared hesitated before answering. "I... I loved him. A lot. When you two were dating, and before. So yeah, I guess a part of me feels bad, but... he tried to fucking murder me. So, uh, to sum it up, kinda."

Connor nodded, lacing his fingers with Jared's. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Jared mumbled. "At least Evans being buried with a tree. He would've like, cried." Jared chuckled to himself, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." Connor and Jared sat in silence the rest of the eulogy, both deep in thought.

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