Boyf Bros- Pastel & Punk. Again.

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Continuing from the last two parts FYI

"Yeah, uh so, about this plan, Micha."

"Yeah?" Michael asked, handing a freshman a poster. "What about it?"

"It fucking sucks." Connor said, glaring at the posters. "Do you really think that we're gonna make the punks like each other by having signs that say 'love everyone! Spread peace!' And all that shit?"

Michael hesitated, avoiding eye contact with Connor. "Maybe?"

Connor rolled his eyes, looking around the classroom. "That's not gonna work."

"But it worked for Mrs.Krelborn-"

"Yeah, in her generation! We're... different. We have... mobile phones and shit."

"Well," Michael started, biting his lip. "What do you think we should do?"

"Well, Okay, so, I was thinking-"

"Fight! There's a punk fight going on outside!" Christine ran into the classroom waving her arms around. "Come on! Bring the signs! Let's go protest these punks!"

Michael gave Connor a pat on the shoulder. "I guess we're sticking with my plan, huh?"

Connor grumbled as he followed the crowd out to the front of the school, where a crowd had been forming.

The pastels swarmed together, waiting for their 'leader', Michael, to instruct them on what to do.

When nothing happened for a moment, Connor looked around, trying to find Michael.

And there he was.

Standing still, as if frozen when he saw the people fighting.

Uncrossing his arms, Connor looked too and was shocked to see which two boys were fighting. They were extremely blooded and bruised, but a boyfriend recognizes their boyfriend no matter what.

"Jeremy!" Michaels inner pastel instincts kicked in, and he pushed through the crowd.
"Stop! Please!"

Michael would have yelled more, but his words were cut off by a powerful punch Evan had tried to make towards Jeremy.

Michael fell to the concrete floor, clutching his nose. "Oh shit."

"Michael!" Jeremy dropped down, and the crowd became eerily quiet.

"Holy shit. Michael, I am, I am so, I'm so sorry. Oh god I'm so sorry."

"You," Jeremy's words came out harsh, and make Evan jump back in fear. "You hurt him." He raised his hand as if preparing for a punch.

"Stop it!" Michaels voice rang out loud and clear. "Stop it! Both of you! You're brothers for fucks sake! And are you really about to fight Evan after the talk we had last week?"

Jeremy awkwardly let his arm drop, and shamefully looked at Michael. "Sorry."

"You should be sorry!" Michael wiped his nose on his pastel sleeve, not caring about the stains it left. "The pastels are tired of your shit, punks. We need you to stop fighting. Stop hurting each other or... or shit like this," Michael said, motioning to himself. "Will happen."

At the crowds continuing silence, Michael stood up tall. "Come on pastels, we're leaving."

"Wait," a punk called out. "Aren't you gonna help the punks who got hurt first?"

Michael proudly flicked the crowd off, not even turning back to look at their reaction.

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