Boyf Riends- Deaf AU pt2

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"It's gonna be fine, Michael." Jeremy signed, laughing to himself as he watched Michaels knee bounce up and down quickly.

Michael gave him a weird look before realizing what he was doing. He sheepishly stopped, and grabbed Jeremy's hand, holding it tightly.

Jeremy gave him a reassuring smile. He pulled out his hand and signed quickly. "Shouldn't I Be the one who's scared?"

"Shut up."

Jeremy smiled wide and placed his hand back into Michaels, holding it tight. He leaned down into Michaels chest, letting Michael hug him tightly.

"Jeremy Heere?" A woman with golden brown skin in a blue uniform came out. She smiled kindly as Michael pulled Jeremy up.

Jeremy looked confused before seeing the woman, and he smiled wide knowing he was closer to being able to hear than ever.

The woman led them down a long hallway, stopping at her office. She opened the door for the boys, smiling softly.

Once she was sure Jeremy could see her, she signed. "How was surgery? Painful?"

Jeremy nodded, before signing. "Medicine helped. And being able to hear will be great!"

"I'm glad to hear that!" The woman winked and chuckled at her own joke. "So you're Michael, correct?" She asked, signing as she talked.

"Yes Ma'am."

She chuckled. "Please, call me Ifetaye. I'll be the one putting your implant in."

She smiled softly at Jeremy. "You ready to hear?"

Jeremy rapidly nodded his head, causing Ifetaye to chuckle. "Alright, I'm going to put it in. It'll be very soft in the beginning, then we will turn it up. Alright?" She asked Michael, who was clearly worried. He nodded his head, kissing Jeremy softly on the lips.

Ifetaye placed the Cochlear implant in Jeremy's ear, making sure everything worked properly before signaling Michael to speak.

"Hey baby."

Jeremy instantly covered his mouth with his hand, staring in awe at his boyfriend.

"I love you." Michael said, starting to cry when he saw how happy Jeremy was. Jeremy let out a weak sob before signing quickly.

"You sound so hot."

Michael chuckled between his tears, shaking his head at Jeremy's words. "You're such a nerd."

"Talk. Please."

"Sorry, I forget that, uh, you can, hear me."

Michael turned back to the woman sitting behind the desk. "Thank you so, so much."

"No problem! I love doing this." She paused, digging through her desk until she pulled out a card. "Jeremy, if you ever want to go to speech therapy, this place is excellent."

She stood up, walking over to the door. "I set our next appointment for a week from today, so that way I can check on the cochlear. Sound good?" She asked, winking again.

"Yeah. That sounds wonderful." Michael added, winking back at Jeremy. Jeremy laughed, pulling Michael out of the office, thanking Ifetaye with his hands.

Once they were outside and in Michaels car, Michael asked. "So... wanna listen to music?"

Jeremy smiled wider. "Fuck yeah."

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