Boyf Riends- GhostFacers pt2

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Jeremy looked down the hallway, straining his eyes to try and see who was down there.

The girls continued to chatter, not noticing that Jeremy was wondering off into the dark, secluded part of the house.

"Hello?" Jeremy called out. "Michael? Are you here?"

"Hey Jere."

Jeremy jumped back in shock, looking around. "Dude, What?"

"Sorry if I scared you." Jeremy watched as a boy about his age stepped out of the shadows. "I... I didn't mean to."

"Michael." Jeremy whispered under his breath, recognizing the boy.

"So you remember me?" Michael asked excitedly. "Oh wow. Dude, we have so much to catch up on! I haven't seen you in-"

"Well," Jeremy said, stopping Michael. "I'm not... I'm not exactly who you think I am."


"I'm uh, I'm Jeremy Heere's uh, great grandson."

"Oh. Oh shit." Michael let out a shaky breath. "That's uh, wow. Okay. Wow. You look... you look just like him."

"Yeah. So uh... um..." Jeremy trailed off, not knowing how to word what he wanted to say. "So, uh, do you... do you know that you're, uh, that you're-"

"Dead? Yeah, I know I'm dead." Michael rolled his eyes with a playful grin on his lips. "Look." Michael floated off the ground, doing a flip in midair before landing back down.


"Yeah, pretty cool, right?" Michaels smiles faded. "So uh, can I ask why you're here, Jeremy Heere's great grandson?"

"I uh... well, my uh, my friends and I are ghost hunters. Well, more like we just want to prove that they are real and stuff, you know?"

"Oh yeah. People still do that?" Michael asked. "Man, me and... me and your great grandfather did that all the time." Michael smiled, but then his face was struck with fear. "Nothing happened of course. Duh. Ghosts aren't like, real."

"Dude, you're literally a ghost. Don't try and tell me that ghosts aren't..." Jeremy trailed off, a thought in his head. "Wait. Is that how you died? From ghost hunting? Holy shit. Did a ghost hurt you? Kill you?"

Jeremy was about to ask more questions when Michael stopped moving. His eyes darted around the room, and he slowly put a finger to his mouth.

Michaels eyes widened and he tried to push Jeremy away. "Go! Go! Run!"

"What? What?!" Jeremy tried to ask but Michael used all of his energy to shove Jeremy away, but Jeremy only fell to the floor. Michael stood in front of Jeremy, panting hard. "I've saved you once, I'll save you again if I have to."

Jeremy sat up, his eyes widening in shock at what he saw.

Before him stood a blue and white ghost, with a grin so big Jeremy could see all of his sharp teeth. The ghost seemed to be sizing Jeremy up for his next meal.

"Get away from him." Michael said through gritted teeth. Jeremy tried to back away, but a hand seemed to grab him and pull him closer. It engulfed him, and he let out a squeak in surprise.

"Jeremy!" Michael struggled to free Jeremy, but his strength was fading fast.

"We've been here before, haven't we?" The ghost asked, a wild look in its eyes. "Yes, yes I think we have. Only this time, I'll be taking Jeremy, and not you, Michael."

"No!" Michael yelled, trying his hardest to free Jeremy while the bigger ghost chuckled.

"You'll never defeat me, Michael. Why, the only thing that can defeat me is something you're too weak to do." Jeremy tried to breath, but the ghost suffocated him more.

Seeing Jeremy suffer pushed Michael over the edge. Michael glared intensely at the ghost, and suddenly everything around the room began flying as if they were all sucked into a tornado.

Jeremy gasped as he felt the grip on himself loosen, and he fell to the floor. He eventually looked up into the ghosts eyes, who was standing in shock.

Jeremy glanced over at Michael. Michael was levitating off the ground, and seemingly had electricity around him. He gave Jeremy a wink and clapped his hands loudly.

Jeremy could only watch as the two ghosts in the room vanished, and everything else that had been flying fell to the ground in a loud thud.

"Jeremy! Holy shit where were you?"

"We we're looking everywhere for you-"

"Did you hear us?"

Jeremy blinked, trying to process what had just happened. "Holy... holy hell. What the fuck."

"What? What's wrong Jeremy?" Christine asked, getting down next to Jeremy.

"I just... Wow I wish I had recorded that, because you are not gonna believe what the fuck I just saw."

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