Boyf Riends- Baker AU pt2

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Jeremy laughed, playfully glaring at Michael. "Shut up, nerd." He turned away, trying to cover his growing blush.

"It's true! Man, I saw you, and I was like, 'wow, I want to-" Michael cut himself off, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. He quickly jumped off his bike, moved his bike to the side as he walked it into an alley. He motioned for Jeremy to come over, and Jeremy did as he was told.

"What? What's wrong?" Jeremy asked quietly. He huddled close to the taller boy, trying to ignore the butterfly's.

"It's my Lola. I saw her." He looked back at Jeremy, trying to seem calm. "She'll kill me if I'm not home when she is."

"Oh uh. Okay. Well, how can we get out of here?" Jeremy whispered.

"Uh, I mean, I guess we have to go the long back way." Michael thought for a second, before grabbing his bike. "Come on, I'll race you!"

"I don't even know what way you're talking about!" Jeremy tried to sound angry, but he laughed instead.

"Come on, slow poke. Three, two, one, go!"

The boys raced off, trying not to let Michaels Lola see them. The laughed loudly as Michael skidded to a side and Jeremy struggled to turn fast enough.

Eventually, they finally made it to their street. Michael stopped, skidding again. "I won."

"Yeah, I noticed." Jeremy jumped off his back, heaving. "That's the, the most I've, I've worked out in years.

Michael snickered, rolling his eyes. "You're a huge mess."

Jeremy winked. "You know it, babe."

Michael's burst into a blushing mess. He turned away, coughing to calm himself down.

"You okay?" Jeremy asked, his voice more stable. "I'm sorry, I just, I shouldn't have said that, I just uh, I thought you liked me, and I guess I thought it was funny? I don't know. It's stupid."

"It's not stupid." Michael said in a weak voice. "You, you uh, you're right. I do like you."

"Oh. Oh!" Now it was Jeremy's turn to turn into a blushing mess. "I uh, we-oh."

Michael chuckled, stepping closer to Jeremy. "Can I... can we...?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. Yeah, we-" Michaels lips stopped Jeremy's sentence, but he wasn't upset. Jeremy melted into the kiss, his knees weak from being so close to Michael. Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand, rubbing his thumb over it soothingly.

Michael eventuality pulled away, smiling dorkily at the smaller boy.

"Michael Mell, get your ass over here!" Michaels eyes widened, instantly taking a step back from Jeremy to face his Lola.

"Hi Lola."

"Don't 'hi Lola' me! What the hell do you think you're doing with a Heere?" With all the yelling, Mr.Heere stepped out of his bakery. "What's the problem here?"

"Your son," Lola's voice was laced with venom. "Was kissing my grandson!"

"Jeremiah Heere. Get in here right now."

"Michael." Both boys made no hesitation to rush to their opposing sides. When they reached their guardians, they finally made eye contact for a brief second before being turned into their houses quickly. The blinds were shut, and yelling was heard from the houses.

Through all the yelling and screaming, both boys only thought of the other and how good they felt together.

Please be safe. They seemed to say, hoping their message would reach the other. I like you too much to let you go this fast.

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