Tree Bros- He Hides It Well

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Requested by @Ilikecatsandmusicals

Warning: Abusive relationship

Evvie: Are you awake?
Evvie: Hello?
Evvie: I'm waiting at the breakfast table but you're not here
Evvie: My coffee isn't either
Evvie: God did you seriously sleep in again?
Evvie: Fucking useless

Connor rubbed his eyes as his phone buzzed next to him. His eyes widened in shock and he jumped out of bed, grabbing his hoodie.

He quickly texted Evan that he was in his way, and sped out the door and to his car.


"Jesus, it, it took you long enough." Evan said, grabbing Connors arm tightly as he took the coffee from Connor. "Come on, the others are waiting for us."

"Well, uh..." Connor trailed off, not wanting Evan to embarrass him in front of his friends again. "I was thinking maybe we could... hang out? Just us? Before school starts. You know."

Evan rolled his eyes, sighing. "You're so clingy." Connors shoulders dropped, making him hunch over more. "We already ditched them yesterday. Do you really want to ditch your friends again? Or are you just scared because you think I'll find out that you and Jared are actually fucking behind my back."

"We aren't!" Connor protested. In the back of his mind, he tried to remember the last time they had ditched the group before school started. "And I uh, I don't think we did ditch them yesterday."

Evan had begun to walk, but he stopped himself. "Wait, seriously? We did. Yesterday. Now come on."

No we didn't. Connor thought to himself but followed Evan like a lost, sad puppy.


"-and then Connor said 'wait, what's that?' And I was like, 'You haven't Incredibles?' And he said 'No, I haven't, because my dad never let me! Isn't that just sad?"

The group laughed uneasily as Connor tried to hide his blushing face. "Oh, and this one time he-"

"Yo, Evan, can you stop? You're clearly making Connor uncomfortable. Like, sometimes it's funny but this is a different kind of uncomfortable. Connor doesn't like it when you do this to him."

"Sure he does." Evan turned to Connor, a glare in his eyes that only Connor could see. "Don't you, Connor?"

Connor hesitated, tears barely starting to form from embarrassment. "Yes. I'm fine."

"See?" Evan asked the table. "He's perfectly fine with it. And besides, for all the stupid stuff he's said and done, he deserves it."


"Evans an asshole."

"No shit Sherlock." Zoe said, glancing at Jared. "Evan wouldn't even let Connor come over here tonight. To his own house."

"What a dick." Alana mumbled. "Evan used to be sweet though! Like, I know he was. That's why I was... why I thought they were a cute couple!"

"Okay, honestly? I think power goes to his head. He, he takes advantage of it, and abuses it."

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked. "What power?"

"Connor. Connor loves Evan, and will do anything for him. Evans abusing that, and doesn't even like him back, you know?"

"Man. I... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think you're right." Alana said, baffled.

"So what are we gonna do?" Zoe asked.

"I'm... I'm not sure." Jared mumbled. "I'm not sure."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now