Tree Bros- Times Up

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Requested by @WitheringCrow

Totally fluff guys, don't worry.

Evan tapped his foot silently against the floor, watching his timer count down.

His mom gave him a soft, caring expression and Evan stopped his foot. He glanced down at his wrist timer, anxiously counting down the minutes.

"Mr.Hansen! Ms.Hansen! Hello!" A mans voice boomed around the room, Evan and Heidi jumping slightly before his mom gave the man a warm smile.

"Ms.Hansen, lovely to see you again. Evan, nice to met you! I'm sure our school will have everything you could ever need." The man held out his arm, beckoning Evan forward.

Evan grabbed his backpack, his mom wishing him a silent good luck.

"Evan, I got another boy to help you around your classes today. He's... well, the nice way to put it is a awkward class clown." He paused, glancing down the hallway as he walked. "He's a nice kid, but he needs some more friends. So I picked you!" He said enthusiastically. "Hopefully you can make him..."

"Make him what, Mr.Damocles?" A boy asked loudly, strolling over to the two. "Talking about me, Mr.D? All good things I hope."

"Only the best, Jared." Mr.D winked at Evan, before handing him off to Jared. "Good luck boys! I wish you well!"

"Alright, so I've been told we have literally all the same classes together, so hopefully you're not boring." Jared paused, letting himself smirk at his weak attempt at a joke. "Alright, follow me to first period, nerd."

Evan chuckled to himself, following Jared obediently.

"Where the hell is that Kleinmeme?" Connor grumbled, scrolling through his phone. "I feel like such a third wheel with you guys. At least he's funny."

Zoe fake gasped, acting totally offended. "How dare-"

"Jared should be coming out in a little bit. He's helping a new kid around the school." Alana's eyes instantly glanced to Connors wrist and she gasped. "Oh my gosh, Connor, look at your arm."

Connor glanced at his arm, realizing how little time he had left before he met him. 0:00:14

God I fucking hope it's a guy. If my soulmate is a girl, I'm suing.

"Hey losers, I have someone new with me. Come say hi Evan, they won't bite. Well, Connor might. He's into that kinky stuff."

As soon as Jared finished his sentence, two timers went off. Evan and Connor looked at each other, awkwardly smiling.

"So, uh, well, hi?" Evan stuck out his hand to Connor. "I'm uh, I'm Evan. Evan Hansen. Well, you'd already know that, cuz Jared just told you, but uh, yeah."

Connor smirked, taking Evans hand. "Connor Murphy. Welcome to our trashy high school, Evan Hansen."

Tree Bros, Boyf Riends and Kleisen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now