Kleinsen- The Book

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"Evan, can you get this book? Thanks babe." Jared kissed Evan as Evan joking groaned, standing up.

Evan glanced at the title Jared gave him, and headed to the 'Hao' section to look for the book. He glanced at the shelves, scanning for the book when his eyes wondered to a title.

'Dear Evan Hansen- By Evan Hansen'.

Evan froze in place before relaxing. Someone else must be named Evan Hansen. Weird. He picked up the book, smiling to himself as he wondered what someone else had written.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be an amazing day, and here's why. Because today, all you have to do is just be yourself.

Evan quickly closed the book, his breath hitching. This can't be possible. No way. I'm dreaming. That can not be the same letter I wrote.

He opened the book again, but the words on the page stayed the same.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be an amazing day, and here's why. Because today, all you have to do is just be yourself.

Evan took a deep breath flipping a few pages.

My mom stood at my door, holding a twenty-dollar bill. "So you just decides to not eat last night?"

I felt my anxiety rise as I stuttered out a reply.

"Oh, I'm, I wasn't hungry..."

"You okay?" Evan jumped as Jared tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. Is just me."

"Sorry, I'm, sorry, I was supposed to, I uh-"

"No, it's okay. I found it illegally online anyway. Are you good to go?" Jared asked, studying Evans face.

"Yeah. No yeah, I'm, I'm good to go. I'm just gonna, check out this book, and uh. Yeah. Yeah."

Jared nodded, kissing Evan before going to grab their stuff.

Evan flipped through the first chapter, recognizing every incident that the book mentioned. His eyes landed on chapter two, and he hungrily read until he realized what chapter two was about.

The Library.

Evan closed the book, checking the thickness. When he realized how big the book was, he internally freaked.

How can the book be so big?  If it's just starting now, then what's gonna happen in the future? Fuck, I'm probably gonna die.

Reluctantly, Evan opened the book again, but he didn't get far before he stopped himself.

I probably shouldn't read ahead. I'd rather not fuck with fate.

A few days passed, and Evan soon realized why the book was so big.

He didn't read the book for those few days because of everything that had happened, but as he now read, the words swam around his head. The words showed images in his head, and he just wanted it all to stop.

'Connor Murphy. He committed suicide. You barely knew the guy.'

Jared told me to roll with it. If he'd known what'd happen he never would have agreed.

'We're over, Jared. Im sorry, but I'm with someone else now.'

"They're not your parents. That is not your family, Evan!" My mothers voice rang throughout the empty house as I felt my angry rise. But not at my mom; at myself. Why did I let it come this far?

"You can't just stop now. What about my parents?" Connors voice drifted around the room, showing me the path I deeply wanted to take. But I couldn't. I couldn't.

Evan slammed the book against the floor, his breathing speeding up. This can't be true, it can't be true. The book says that I'm screwing up my life, but no. This must be for the best. It must be.

Shakily, Evans hands grabbed the book again, needing to read the ending and tell himself it would all be okay. I'm almost most done with this fucking nightmare anyway.

Evan flipped the page, and stared at the last chapter. It only had one passage, and made Evans blood run cold.

Dear Evan Hansen,

I hope you find this book in time so you can fix your shitty life. That one little lie ruined your whole life, trust me. You were supposed to be with Jared, Zoe doesn't love you, you fucked up your moms mental health, and your hurt everyone you love. Don't do it, Evan. Don't tell lies.

Sincerely, Me.

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