Chapter 33

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Katherine's POV

I inhaled the fresh air deeply as I sat peacefully in the balcony of my room which faced the ocean.

I smiled thinking about how Lionel, after all these years wanted to know about my whereabouts. Although I wondered about the reason for his sudden interest in my life, I couldn't help but grin goofily about his curiosity.

I also wanted to call him a fool for thinking that he could easily know about my life just by hiring some stupid detective. Will he realize that the report is fake? Will he believe that I really got married? My inner voice questioned me.

Zane Costello was a perfect name to make him believe. The moment Lionel hears that I got married, he will back away. I really hope that he will.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jonathan's voice broke my thoughts.

glanced at the idiot for few seconds and turned to the beautiful view in front of me.

I was already irritated by Zane, spending most of his time with me while he should have been in his home with his true wife.

It's true that Zane never wanted to marry Isabella. It was just an arranged marriage. A fucking agreement between two mafia families.But Isabella was a nice girl. She wasn't some spoiled rich brat. She deserved a better husband than Zane Costello.

He never hurt her physically. But he never loved her the way a husband should love his wife. He had just married her because his father forced him to. He married her so that he could have a heir to his mafia business.

But I'm glad that he's not that kind of man who abuses his wife either physically or verbally. Isabella had everything in that mansion except her husband's love.

I feel very guilty when ever Zane spends most of his time with me. He still acts like a love sick puppy when he should be a responsible husband.

I grabbed and twisted Jonathan's finger when he tried to snap it in front of my face. I scowled at his pained expression.

"What the fuck are you doing here Jo? I thought I clearly told everyone why I'm living in my private island all alone." I snapped at him.

Jonathan had a bubbly character unlike me. He was always the cheery one among the three children of Alexander Xavier, my father.

"Hello to you too sister. You look like horse shit." He sassed, while his lips curved into an annoying smirk.

I concentrated on my breathing to control my anger, just like my therapist said.

"Why are you here Jonathan? Aren't you supposed to be working your ass off in Xavier corp?" I questioned him.

All his playfulness suddenly vanished. I had a strong feeling that he had messed up. He never wanted to be the CEO. He never liked all that responsibility.

I groaned and ran my hands through my hair in frustration.
"What have you done this time?" I asked him.

"Xavier corp is falling from it's number one position. Shareholders are pissed. Some of them have already joined hands with Lawson inc. I can't believe that your ex boyfriend is improving day by day in business." He said with annoyance.

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