Chapter - 55

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Third person POV

Drake looked impatiently at his watch. He was excited to be the part of a mafia. Ever since Katherine told him that he will be the Spanish mafia doctor, he is on cloud nine. Though Lionel wasn't happy about involving his best friend in Kate's dirty work, he kept his mouth shut because he couldn't put her life at risk.

"Could you please stop checking your watch?" Ravi said, scowling at Drake's impatience. Apart from Lionel, Drake was the man Ravi considered his best friend. But much to his dismay both men lacked a screw or two in their brain. Because he was very certain that he was the smartest in the trio.

"It's My watch I'm looking at, not your ass. What's your problem man?" Drake snapped at his least favorite friend. Ravi opened his mouth blurt out a smart comeback but Ryder's voice interrupted him.

"I have never questioned your decisions, Capo. But I'm little concerned about having these two imbeciles on board." Ryder said, pointing at the arguing duo. Drake and Ravi immediately turned their glares at the man who always had his back as straight as a rod.

"Listen here Tarzan." Drake said referring to Ryder's long hair. "I don't know from which Royal ass you were born from but don't you ever think that you can insult us while you walk around like there's a stick up your arse. Because if we started to insult you back, you'll run back to your mama with a puppy dangling from your ass." He snapped. But Ryder wasn't the least bit fazed. He turned to his capo and gestured with his eyes which Katherine clearly understood. See what I mean?

Lionel simply observed the exchange between them. He could see why Kate trusted Ryder with her life. Ryder was a man who walked around like a king. He always wore crisp suits and a pin that had the Capo di Capi's insignia on his left breast which announced that he belonged to The Capo di Capi. Lionel never saw Ryder joking or being relaxed. The man always walked around the place like he had the burden of saving the universe. Women were always attracted to his mysterious aura like a moth to a flame but Ryder paid no attention. Infact, he gets irritated when women try to get his attention.

Lionel's thought was interrupted when the large doors opened and a tall man walked inside, grinning at his phone. "Took you long enough Jarvis." Kate taunted him as he sat in front of her. Jarvis casually dropped his phone on her desk and smirked. "Yes ma'am, I was busy destroying somebody's life." He joked. Katherine rolled her eyes at his playfulness.

"Wait! Your name is Jarvis?!" Drake said laughing out loud. Being a hardcore Marvel fan himself, he couldn't miss the opportunity to tease the stranger about it.

Jarvis looked up at the dude, ready to sass him. "Are you really dumb or is acting dumb the new trend?" He asked Drake who stopped laughing immediately.

"His name is very complicated." Katherine said trying to dismiss the whole name confusion but when she looked at Drakes face, she knew that it was far from over.

"Let me hear it then." Drake challenged

Jarvis looked at Katherine silently asking for permission to which she nodded.

"Jared Visnaaryaisomiah." Jarvis said crossing his arms to his chest with a smug look on his face. He knew that this was a battle that he was going to win.

Drake's face was emotionless when he looked at Lionel for affirmation. Lionel subtly nodded confirming that what just his best friend learned was real.

"All these years, I resented my father for naming me Drake while this legend walked this land without an ounce of complaint?" He said with dramatic hand gestures before finally sending a small salute towards Jarvis.

Jarvis snickered at the man in front of him with amusement. "I like him." He said to Katherine pointing towards Drake. She rolled her eyes and looked at her man, knowing that he was going to love what she was going to say. "Well, you would be the only person in this world to say that." She teased him. Drake put his hands on his chest in mock hurt.

"How could you be so vile Katherine Xavier?!" He asked her.

"Your father literally named you a duck. Nobody in this planet can be viler than him." Ravi teased.

"Are you sure about that?" Jarvis asked Ravi to which the whole room fell into silence. Everybody silently agreed that the worst name award was still in Jarvis's hands.

Katherine sighed and rested her arms on her desk, signaling everyone that there were more important matters to discuss. And just like that, everybody knew that they had to put their game face on. Because Boss Xavier is back.


One week later –

Logan rushed towards the meeting hall, clumsily fixing his tie. He had no idea what the agenda for the impromptu meeting was. But he knew that only important members of the Capo's inner circle will be attending.

Logan was the last to enter and everybody's head turned to look at him as soon as he entered making him feel embarrassed about making the capo wait. "I'm sorry capo" Logan said turning towards Katherine. "I had an emergency surgery at the hospital." He said sitting on the place assigned to him.

"No worries." She mumbled, not taking her eyes off her phone. "The Italians have been causing some problems. They are not letting our shipment pass through their territory. I want you to go there personally and take care of it." Katherine ordered, not taking a no for an answer.

Logan was baffled. He didn't like the idea of staying away from Katherine. He would not be able to execute his plan if he couldn't give her the toxin every day.

"But Capo, you know that I have to keep an eye on your condition and your medicines should be given regularly." Logan said trying to salvage the situation.

Katherine smirked, enjoying the desperation on his face. "You don't have to worry about that Logan. This is Dr. Drake." She said pointing to him. That's when Logan finally noticed the unfamiliar face in the room. Drake grinned, waving with his fingers a little too excitedly at Logan but received only a scowl in return.

"I want you to train him properly. He'll take care of my meds while you're away." Katherine said.

"But Capo, why do we need another doctor, I thought I was managing well." Logan said but at this point Katherine was annoyed with all his questions. She looked up from her phone and gave Logan her deadliest glare which made all the men in the room shrink back a little in their seat, except for Lionel and Drake. The former was too busy with his laptop and the latter's brain was just the size of a pea to understand the situation.

"Since when did people start questioning my decisions here?!" Katherine roared making everyone jump slightly in their seats. But Lionel was still busy with his work not minding the commotion and Drake just looked at her with admiration and murmured "That was hot." Under his breath.

"When I tell you something your job is to implement it. Not question me back. Now get lost." She dismissed him. Logan knew that he had to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to live. He nodded his head hurriedly and left the room.

"My mother wants us to come home." Lionel said still looking at his laptop. "When?" Katherine asked him trying to soften her voice as much as possible.

Lionel looked up from his laptop to see her face.

"Now" he said smiling at her. "It's Lana's birthday. Let's pick a present for her on the way." Lionel said kissing her on the lips. Katherine nodded smiling happily. She was just glad to have him back and without any hesitation she would go anywhere in the world if Lionel asked her to.


Drake barely managed to keep up with Logan's speed as they walked down the hallway. He knew that Logan was pissed and felt happy about the situation but he didn't show his happiness on the outside. He just acted clueless and followed him arround as he explained the medicines that was to be given. Logan finally handed over the nameless vials to Drake.

"Don't you want to know why there are no labels?" Logan questioned him with doubts clouding his mind.

"Capo told me to not speak. And I honestly don't care as long as I'm getting paid. I have student loans to pay." Drake said and Logan nodded, convinced by his answer.


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