Chapter 2

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Lionel was excited and nervous as he waited in Xavier Corp to be called in for interview. He rechecked his CV just to confirm that it had no mistakes. Not that he could have done anything about it in a short time. He had almost screamed in excitement when he heard of the sudden vacancy in Xavier Corp. Lionel had idolized Katherine Xavier for a long time and thinking that he had a chance to work for her was a dream come true for him. Katherine Xavier was a young business woman who had inherited a small company from her father and made it a giant in the industry. Xavier Corp was first founded as a tech company but Katherine had managed to expand it by entering new markets. Since Lionel had majored in business, he had been curious of the budding businesswoman.

It wasn't a new knowledge to Lionel that she was a strict, short-tempered woman who had zero tolerance for mistakes. But Lionel did not care about the rumours. He just wanted to work for her and gain knowledge from her. According to him, toughest bosses teach the greatest lessons. He perked up as soon as his name was called. He fixed his tie as he stood in front of her office. He looked at the name on the door, which was written in bold letters.

Katherine Amelia Xavier, CEO, Xavier Corp. He sighed deeply and knocked on her door and heard a deep, feminine voice say come in. He opened the door and greeted her but was mesmerised when he saw the woman who sat behind the table like she owned the world. He felt star struck in her presence. Her office was so huge that it could probably fit his apartment in it. He wondered what billionaires did with offices that huge. He didn't understand the need behind it. Do they host sleepover in their office with their billionaire friends? He thought.

He bit his lip when she looked up at him from the file she was reading. Her gaze felt like she could look through his soul. It was so intense that he almost felt naked but it felt weirdly good.

Every part of his conscience screamed at him to turned around and run away from that deep gaze but there was a small part of him that wanted to jump into the lion's den and that small part won the battle. His heart thumped in his chest but he managed to remain calm and he mentally applauded himself for that. Katherine narrowed her eyes at him and looked him over, as if scrutinizing him and motioned him to sit in one of the chairs in front of her. Lionel handed her his CV and Katherine went through it nonchalantly. She was too mesmerised by the man in front of her to go through that stupid piece of paper in front of her.

"Tell me about yourself Mr. Lawson. " she said without glancing up. She wasn't sure that she could control the dangerously naughty thoughts running through her mind if she looked at him. "You're literally looking at everything about me Ms. Xavier. " He sassed and regretted it instantly. His usually sharp mind had decided to stop working as soon as he laid his eyes on her. Katherine was quite surprised at herself when she did not snap at him. Her usual response would have been to kick the person in front of her out when someone uses sass. But she was just amused at his reaction. She noticed how flustered he had become as soon as the words left his mouth

"I meant that every official information about me is in my CV which you're currently looking at ma'am." He tried to cover up but it didn't sound any better. Her brows furrowed as she stared into his eyes. He braced himself, expecting her to kick him out but instead she just closed his CV and placed it on his desk. She crossed her arms against her chest and smirked at him. "Fine, now that I'm not looking at your CV and I don't know anything about you, would you do me the honours of telling me about yourself?" She sassed back at him. Lionel cleared his throat and started answering her. She had a victorious smile on her face and Lionel mentally facepalmed himself for ending up in situations like this. He looked at her after he finished answering her and waited for her response.

"Tell me about your biggest challenges and how you solved them" she asked, with her brows still furrowed. She observed his every movement, unable to avert her eyes from his. She could sense how confident he was when he answered her and she had already decided that he was the one. "You're hired, go sign the contract papers and bring me my coffee. You have 6 minutes. If you're late by even one minute, you're fired." She smirked when his eyes widened.

"Now Ms. Xavier? " He asked her with a confused look on his face. He hadn't expected her response because none of his previous jobs had expected him to start working immediately.

"Did I stutter?" She questioned and that was his cue to get up and follow her order. He was amazed by the effect she was having on him. He felt a little scared in her presence and he was also a little turned on. "How do you like your coffee Ms. Xavier? "He asked her. "That's for you to find out. "She continued while she watched her wrist watch "your time starts now." She hid a smirk that threatened to break out of her lips. It was quite amusing to see him flustered. Lionel rushed out of her office and went straight to the receptionist who was talking on the phone which Lionel noticed that Katherine was on the other end of the call. Lionel quickly looked at his ID which said, Anthony Smith.

Mr. Smith disconnected the call and smiled at him "Please tell me your full name Mr." He asked Lionel politely "Lionel James Lawson " He replied and glanced at his phone. "Hey do you know what she drinks as her coffee? " He asked him hoping he'd know. "Only her Personal Assistants know that Mr. Lawson. " Anthony said smiling.

"Here's your contract. Please sign it. "He handed him the papers and Lionel quickly signed them. By the time the formalities were over,1 minute and 48 seconds had passed. He asked Anthony where the coffee machine was and rushed to it. Lionel noticed that he only had three more minutes left and quickly grabbed a cup of black coffee and rushed towards her office.

"5 minutes and 56 seconds. Not bad for first day in office. "She said stopping her timer. Did she really set the timer?! He thought and placed her coffee on her desk. Lionel held his breath praying that it would be the right one as she sipped her coffee. Her eyes widened and she stared at him. And that's when Lionel knew that he screwed up.


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