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"Because you're my boyfriend". Lionel turned around to see a very serious Katherine. "Did you think I'd let you fight on your own?" Katherine was disappointed that he didn't think of her when he was in need. Lionel had dealt with many short-tempered people but Katherine's temper was on another level. She could get annoyed easily over little things.Lionel's heart fluttered when she stamped their relationship with a simple word. He almost smiled like an idiot when she declared that he was her boyfriend. But he shook his head realising the seriousness of the situation. "I should have guessed that you'd poke your little nose in this." Lionel sighed in irritation. He didnt like to involve her in trivial matters since she already had a lot on her plate. "Hey! My nose is not little." she huffed. Lionel rolled his eyes. She sure knew what to take seriously in a conversation.

Henry quickly excused himself to give the couple some privacy to talk it out. "Are we going to fight about the size of your nose now?" Lionel asked her, amused.

"You started it. Anyways, don't worry about the case. It's not a risk or a burden for me Lionel. I'll make that moron pay for what he did to you and your family. We are in this together and whether you like it or not, I'm interfering in this case." she declared leaving no room for any argument. Sometimes, Kathrine didn't care about others personal space. Everything was her space and people just lived in it.

"I understand why you're doing this. It's not that I didn't want you to know about the case, I just didn't want to rope you in to my shit." He explained, tucking a stray strand behind her ear. "Though I have no idea as to what you're doing, I'm pretty sure that it will turn out well for us. Thanks a lot baby. You being here with me today means a lot for me. How do I repay you for this?" He asked her as he held her soft hands in his.

"Well, I could think of few ways for you to repay me if you stay at my house tonight." She said mischievously. "Get lost." He muttered, letting go of her hands as he tried to control his blush.

"Did you say something Mr. Lawson?"  she asked, smirking when she saw how flustered he was.

Lionel was about to reply her but stopped when he saw his mother approaching them.

"Lio! Are you alright. We will be fine" His mother said as she hugged him with tears in her eyes. Georgette was scared when she heard that the man that terrorised her children would be roaming around freely. He hugged her back and consoled her while Katherine watched them with an unreadable expression. Though she was happy that Lionel had a mother that loved him, she was slightly jealous. She never got the chance to hug her mother. She had lost her mother when she was still a little child and Alison had become a motherly figure until she was murdered. Katherine lost the women she loved at a very young age, which made her the cold businesswoman she is today. She never received the love she needed from her father and her brother was too carefree to be there for his little sister.

"Shh... Don't worry mom. Everything will be alright." He consoled his mother who wiped away her tears, calming down. "Mom, meet Ms. Xavier, my boss."  Lionel introduced her, which earned him a side eye from Katherine. Katherine quickly beamed her charming smile, extending her hand towards his mother. "Hello Mrs. Lawson. I'm Katherine Xavier, your son's girlfriend." Lionel almost choked on his own spit. He looked at her dumbfounded only to see the smug smirk on her face. However, Georgette was thrilled. She quickly pulled Katherine into a warm hug. Katherine was momentarily startled. Nobody had ever pulled her into a hug like that and she wasn't sure how she was supposed to react to that, so she just awkwardly stood there as she was finally released from the hug.

"You have no idea of how thankful I am." Georgette started saying but Katherine stopped her.

"Please don't thank me ma'am. It is my responsibility to see to that my boyfriend's family is safe. And I will always take any step to fulfill my responsibility." Katherine was back to her usual self. Her eyes held no emotion in them. However, Georgette was confused." What responsibility are you talking about my dear? I just said that I was thankful that my son has finally found someone that loves him." She explained. Katherine chuckled when she realised what his mother was talking about. But before she was about to clarify that she was not in love with Lionel, he interrupted her, as if sensing that Katherine would traumatise his mother if she opened her mouth.

"Mom, where's Lara?"  Lionel asked looking around for his sister but he turned around as soon as he heard a screech. "Oh my god, You're Katherine Xavier, the Multibillionaire and the most eligible bachelorette of New York. I've always wanted to meet you. You have no idea of how excited I am." Lara, jumped up and down, completely starstruck. Lionel rolled his eyes in annoyance. Great way to embarrass him in front of his girlfriend. But Katherine just chuckled at his sister. "I'm guessing that you must be Lara. It's nice to meet you too." Kate shook her hand with his sister.

But before Lara could say anything else, Katherine turned towards him. "Since everything is settled, I'll be leaving Mr. Lawson. Don't be late tomorrow morning and I hope that everything is settled for the charity event tomorrow?" she said the last part like a question.

"Yes ma'am, the event will start at 7 in the evening and everything is in place." He answered. They were back being boss and secretary which surprised his mother but Lara was too excited to care. She was thrilled to meet a celebrity and she had heard her say that her brother was her boyfriend. Katherine gave a quick nod and a smile to all of them and left with her lawyer and bodyguards.

He sighed deeply looking at her retreating figure but was brought out of his trance when his mother cleared her throat. Lara's eyes were wide in surprise when she finally came down from her excitement and he knew what she would ask next. "Is she bipolar or something! And why would you call her 'ma'am ' if she's your girlfriend?"
"She's still my boss Lara. We can't mix work with our professional lives." He explained. Their ride back home was filled with him explaining how his and Kate's relationship are both personal and professional but kept separately. Lionel plopped onto his mattress, tired from the days events. He smiled widely thinking about how cool Katherine looked while she introduced herself as his girlfriend. He picked up his phone to call his bestfriend, Drake to fill in on his new relationship. Thats how tight their friendship was. There were absolutely no secrets between Lionel and drake. Lionel couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he bragged about his new girlfriend. Drake laughed as he teased his friend. They quickly made plans to meet up and Lionel sighed as he rolled around in his bed, ending the call and drifted off to sleep.


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