Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

"Did you take care of it?"  Katherine asked Dawit Abbara, the leader of the South African Cartel. Things were getting heated in Spain due to her absence and Katherine had to work day and night to settle everything. She was pissed when she heard that her Cocaine shipment was seized. "Is it the customs?"  she asked him. "No Ms. Xavier. The customs cleared it. It was the Interpol." He grumbled. Katherine raked a hand through her hair in frustration. "There's no way the Interpol would have known unless theres a mole among us." She said.

Dawit sighed through the phone, agreeing with her." I have destroyed the evidences that points to us but I'm concerned about the package. It's 250kgs of cocaine. I don't know how we can get it back." He said worriedly. Katherine took a deep breath in order to calm her anger down. She had gear's turning in her head. "Don't worry about it. I will deal with it. Meanwhile lay low until everything blows over." She said disconnecting the call. She didn't want Lionel to be involved in this but it was too late since her people were a little too loyal to him. He would hear about it anyways. She decided to discuss with him since she would have to leave to Spain to sort everything out. She dialed his number and he received the call on the third ring." Hey babe."  His smooth voice came through the phone, lifting her mood.

"Are you busy? Can I come over to your office?" she asked him and it took a few seconds for him to answer." I'm never busy for you baby. I'll be in your office in fifteen minutes." He said disconnecting the call. Katherine smiled looking at the phone. It was times like these that made her fall for him more. But she quickly had to come out of her daze when she felt like she was about to throw up. She held a hand over to her mouth as she ran to the restroom. She tried to throw up but just dry heaved since there was no food in her stomach. Though Katherine was recovering from the T33 poisoning, the side effects hadn't gone yet. She washed her mouth and leaned against the counter, trying to catch her breath. She remembered that she still had the pill that Drake prescribed for nausea. She searched through her bag and found it. As she was swallowing the pill, Lionel walked in without knocking looking worried when he saw her taking the medicine." What happened?"  He asked her, sitting down on the chair in front of her. Katherine dismissed his question by replying that it was just for nausea.

"There's something else I want to talk to you about." She said, getting into her Capo mode. Lionel could understand that the matter was serious and he gave her his full attention. She explained about the situation to him and told him that she has to return to Spain to sort everything out. Lionel nodded understanding that even though he didnt like the idea of sending her to Spain alone, they had no choice." When will you be back?"  He asked her, trying not to pout. Katherine smiled, knowing that he wasn't happy. She walked towards the couch in and motioned Lionel to sit next to her, which he quickly complied. "As soon as possible."  She said leaning on his shoulder. She interlocked her fingers through his as she sighed." I don't like being away from you either. But I must take responsibility for the members of my family." She said. Lionel nodded understanding her situation. As much as he wanted to always be with her, he knew that it was not possible." Okay be careful, call me as soon as you reach." He said, squeezing their interlocked hand.


Katherine had never wanted to leave Spain as soon as she landed. She missed him and she felt like a teenager for feeling like this but she didn't care. Ryder greeted her feeling relieved to see his Capo. "Welcome back Capo."  He said leading her to the car. The car ride took an hour for them reach to their safe house and Katherine didn't bother to rest before getting to work. The quicker the problem was solved, the faster she could get back to Lionel. Ansel, Sierra, Ryder, Erik and Jarvis stood around their Capo as she gave out instructions to them." The evidence pointing to our involvement is destroyed, so we are safe but we have to get the package back. The package will be sent out to be incinerated and that's when we have to get it back." Katherine said looking at the map in front of her." I don't think thats possible Capo. It will be highly guarded. The package will be in a bullet proof van which is guarded by four other ASVs. We cannot launch a full-scale attack on them." Ryder voiced his concern. Katherine smirked. "Who said we are attacking them? We will just make a small exchange." She said smiling at the members confused faces.

"What's your plan Capo?"  Sierra asked crossing her arms. "This  is the route they will take the cocaine to incinerate." She said pointing the map. "And  this is where we have to separate our target vehicle from the convoy."
" And how will we separate them?" Ansel asked." That's where Jarvis and Sierra comes in. But in order for this mission to be successful, we will need the officers in the target vehicle to be on our payroll." Katherine said looking at others."  I can arrange that."  Ryder declared. "Then  let's not waste any time."  Katherine said smiling at her members.

It had been quite sometime they had gotten into action and they were thrilled that their Capo was back. Katherine and Ansel were in Ansel's van that was fully equipped for him to hack into the officers phone, and Ansel quickly got into work. Ryder had managed to bribe the officers' and they were ready to play their part. "The second vehicle is our target. Jarvis and Sierra, get ready." Katherine's voice came through their earpiece. "We are in position Capo."  They answered. "Target  is on the move."  Ansel informed and Katherine confirmed that their distraction was ready. It was Andrew and Stellas job to fake an accident on their original route which caused a traffic jam and the convoy had to take a diversion. Once they informed the Capo that they were successful, Jarvis and Sierra waited for the convoy to pass in front of them. As soon as the first and second vehicle passed Jarvis drove in front of the third vehicle cutting them off from the target. The officers climbed out of the vehicle to clear the block." You are blocking our vehicle."  The officer snapped at Jarvis who desperately tried to restart the car and soon smoke gushed out of the hood. The officer stood in disbelief and frustration." Move your car out quickly, we are on government duty." He snapped again and an heavily pregnant looking Sierra screamed "Oh my god, my water broke!" 

Katherine smiled at their acting skills as she looked at them through the screen. "God! I hate her screech."  Ansel chuckled. Katherine shook her head and informed Erik to be ready. And on cue, Erik pretended to be a farmer and drove a tractor between the first and the target vehicle. They only had few seconds to change the vehicle. Ryder had arranged a van that looked exactly like the target vehicle and filled it with packages of flour. Before the officers in the first vehicle could observe, the officers on the Capo's payroll got into the vehicle filled with flour and Ryder secured the Cocaine." Package is secured Capo."  Ryder informed and Jarvis somehow magically managed to start his car much to the officers relief. Good job everyone. Katherine said and everyone cheered, planning to have a party to celebrate their success.

Katherine wasted no time in getting back to New York as soon as she settled things down in Spain. Lionel waited for his wife at the airport and hugged her as if his life depended on it." You're squeezing me too tight."  Katherine said chuckling but still refusing to let go of him. "It's not tight enough."  Lionel muttered.

A few days passed without any problems from the mafia or Kevin. Lionel was relieved that Kevin was busy with his work in South Africa. He stared at his wife who was busily typing away on her phone." Do you want to go out tonight?"  He asked her. She side-eyed him playfully." Are you asking me out on a date Mr. Lawson?" She teased. "You  should think again, I'm high maintenance." She smiled."I  prefer it that way" he said pulling her into a kiss. But Katherine pushed him away and ran towards the toilet, throwing up her breakfast. Lionel held up her hair away from her face and patted her back. He was starting to get concerned about her nausea. "Let's go to the hospital Katherine. I think your nausea is getting worse." Lionel said as she rinsed her mouth. Katherine shook her head and asked him to get her the pills from the cabinet. Lionel sighed, she was stubborn at times." He froze as soon as he opened the cabinet and saw a box of tampons." Babe, when was your last period?"  He asked. Katherine was confused at his question. "Why are you asking?"  she asked him. "You're late." He said. Katherine realized what he was getting at and quickly shook her head. "No, dont even think about it. You know that I'm infertile." She said, trying to convince herself." Wait here, I'll quickly get a pregnancy test kit, just to be sure." He said and walked out before she could protest.

Katherine's hands shook while she waited for him. It's not possible. She repeated under her breath. Lionel came back with the product and handed it over to Katherine." You should have brought five, they can be wrong sometimes." She said looking at him."  I brought ten. Just to be sure."  He said sheepishly while rubbing his neck. They laid out the tests and waited for the results nervously. "Babe, if you're nervous you don't have to look." Lionel said while trying to not show her his shaking hands. "Who's nervous?! I'm the Capo di Capi, remember." She said in a high-pitched voice. And soon enough the alarm on their phones went off and it was time to look at the results. They looked at the results and sure enough they saw the two lines. "Babe, Congratulations."  Lionel said wiping the tears off her face. "We are going to be parents."  She said smiling through her tears as he hugged her.


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