Chapter 42

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Lionel's POV

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard crashing and screaming downstairs.
I rushed out of the room I was in, and ran towards the distressed voice which led me to the backyard of the mansion.

"JASON!!!  SAVE ME BITCH I'M DYING..... OW..... IS THAT DOG POOP..... OH MY GOD JASON I STEPPED ON DOG SHIT!!" Mason was on ground holding his leg and crying dramatically while Ravi stood a few feet away from him looking at Mason with disgust. I didn't fail to notice the gun in his hand meanwhile.

Mason noticed my presence and stopped his tantrum and tilted his head to the side. "Did you see my shitface brother on your way bro?" He asked me. There was no trace of humour in his eyes and his face was blank.
"Umm... No? " I said, more like a question than a statement. His eyes widened and he started screaming at the top of his lungs.


Me and Ravi looked at each other for a brief moment and I raised one of my eyebrows at him in question regarding the situation, but Ravi just shrugged his shoulders.
At the same time, Jason rushed towards us with a grim expression on his face. Mason, who was throwing a tantrum just seconds ago sensed his brothers mood and scrunched up his face in confusion. It looked like the twins were talking through their eyes.

"Russians " Jason said with a serious face and just like that Mason's humour filled face turned red in anger. He got up quickly and brushed the dog poop on the grass. He had a stone cold expression on his face that could bring chills on any man's spine. It was then I noticed a tattoo on his neck. It was a rose held by a feminine hand while a snake was coiled around it. I instinctively looked at Jason's neck only to find the same tattoo on it.

"Both of you get inside." Mason ordered coldly towards me and Ravi. I opened my mouth to protest but Ravi held my hand and pulled me inside the mansion to one of the room. He closed the door and paced inside the room in panic. I knew that look. It was a face he made whenever he thought that we were in trouble.

I put my hands in my pocket and stood straight. "What's wrong Ravi?" I asked him in my business like voice. The one I learned from Katherine.
He stopped pacing and turned towards me.
"We are in serious trouble bro." He said with a slight shiver in his voice. I scrunched my brows in confusion. "What do you mean Ravi? " I asked him, wanting to know the further details.
"Did you see the tattoo on their necks? " He asked me carefully, as if trying to make me understand something. I raised my eyebrows "Yes, the twins got the same design. It's probably a twins thing" I said carelessly.

"It's the symbol of Spanish Mafia Lionel! " Ravi exclaimed. "You only observed the tatoos on the twins neck. But everybody in this house has them. All the bodyguards that surrounded this house and even that guy Carter has one. They're the Spanish Mob bro. It's one of the top five dangerous Mafia families in the world. This is probably one of their safehouses." He ranted.

"First of all, When did you observe all this and secondly How do you know all this information? " I asked him in confusion. Moreover, he had a lot to explain.
His face turned grim and he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Observing tiny details was a skill that I had to acquire in order to survive." He said nonchalantly " And I know this information because I...... I used to run the Mumbai Mafia before I decided to become your assistant." He said with a worried look on his face.

I almost choked up on my own spit but managed to regain my composure instantly. Maybe this was what Katherine mentioned earlier at the charity event. She probably knows about Ravi more than I know about him.

"So, Shiv is your name? " I asked him calmly.
He nodded his head unable to meet my eyes. "But please dont call me by that name. I left that part of my life behind for good. I'm Ravi, personal assistant to Mr. Lionel Lawson, CEO of Lawson Inc. That's my identity and that's what I want it to be." Ravi said with a shaky voice.

I chuckled sarcastically, smirking at him. His face paled a little and I realised that he was thinking that I would fire him and ask him to never show his face again. He played all these years and it's only fair that I return the same treatment to him.

"So, you don't want to be Mr. Shit face, the hottest billionaire Lionel Lawson's bro? " I asked him with a smirk on my face. Relief washed over his face and I could bet that there was tears in his eyes which he successfully managed to not let out.

"Shut up." He said with a chuckle. "First of all, you're not the hottest billionaire and secondly the only shit face here is you bro. " He said.

But his face turned serious again. " That leaves us with a question. What is Katherine doing with the Spanish Mob?" He asked me the question that was running through my my from the past few minutes.
The door opened suddenly and Carter stood in the doorway with his hands in his pocket.
"Ms. Xavier runs the Spanish Mafia. And Mr. Lawson, we are leaving to Spain in three hours. Ms. Xavier asked me to inform you to be ready by then. " He said with a gentle smile on his face and left us stunned in silence.

I turned to Ravi only to realise that he was looking at me. His face mirrored my expression.
"We have to leave." Ravi said searching for his phone in his pockets. He quickly started to type something on it but it beeped thrice before turning off and Ravi raised the gadget to throw it out of frustration but decided against it and sighed to calm his temper.

He looked towards me and his eyes shone brightly as if a brilliant plan appeared in his head.  " Save it. " I said lazily. " My phone is switched off too and  the power bank was in my car which I have no idea where is it. " I said in defeat.
No wonder Katherine killed Mandy that easily. She has done this before. She is a criminal in disguise.
The severity of the situation slowly started to dawn on me. The calmness I felt just minutes before drained out of me and replaced it with rage, hurt, sadness and all the emotions a human can feel at once.

"Stay here" I ordered Ravi and stormed out of the room and looked around me only to see a long corridor with numerous doors on either sides of it.
"Shit! " I cursed under my breath. This wasn't what I planned. I was supposed to dramatically storm out of the room I was in, find Katherine's room, barge in and confront her. But this never ending corridor made me realise that I was lost.

But I was not going to give up. I entered the room Ravi and I  was in. Ravi looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. " Choose one bro. Right eye or left?" I asked him.
"Umm... I'd like to keep both?" He said more like a question. My patience was running thin by then. " Damnit Ravi, choose one quick." I snapped at him.
"Okay bro!!!  Chill.... I think left, my right eye is a little blurry.... " he ranted. I quickly stormed out of the room and turned left and began my search for Katherine's room.

1325 words

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