Chapter 59

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Are you sure its a good idea. Ryder asked, concerned about capos change of plans. Though she agreed at first, having Lionels family at the wedding did not seem to be a good idea anymore. Nikolai was moving faster than she anticipated. All the weapons and drugs she was transporting were hijacked. Everyday, her warehouses randomly caught fire. He was trying to trigger her. He wanted Katherine to mess up and she knew it. But she also knew that it wasnt the time react. She was laying her trap and she wanted Nikolai to fall for it. She wanted to catch him off-guard.

But how are you going to explain this to them or to Lionel. Will he even agree to it? Ryder argued. Katherine diverted attention from her laptop to Ryders face. She knew that it would be very difficult to convince Lionel. He should if he wants his family to be safe. She said trying to convince herself more than Ryder.

Lionel calmly walked inside Katherines office without bothering to knock. Katherine being a mafia boss was not registered into his brain and she knew that he would only see her as his girlfriend or wife after they get married. Ansel said you called for me? He questioned nonchalantly. He was just appearing to be calm on the outside but inside, he was a distressed mess. Katherine knew what was happening with him. She was impressed that he was trying to be strong in front of everybody. We think that having our family at the wedding is not safe for them. She said, expecting an outburst from him.

So, are we supposed to uninvite our family a day before the wedding? He said calmly, crossing his arms. He wanted to scream and tear his hair off his scalp but he knew that it wouldnt be the best course of action. So, he relied on being sassy instead. I get what you are trying to say. But their safety is on the line here. Im positive that Nikolai is going to attack tomorrow. She said, trying to explain the situation. Ryder could sense the tension in the room rising and he decided to escape immediately. He held his cell phone to his hear, as if he was on a call and politely excused himself. Katherine knew his tricks but she decided to let it go since dealing with Lionel seemed to be the most urgent matter.

Lionel however was getting tired of stressing about everything that was going on. He was not going to compromise on this. What kind of a mafia boss are you if you cant prevent an attack? You know that they are going to attack tomorrow so make sure that nobody can ruin our wedding. We are not going to leave out our family on our wedding. We are done discussing about this. He said sternly and didnt bother to wait for her reply. Katherine sighed, realising that there would be no use in arguing with him anymore. Katherine had promised him his dream wedding and she decided to keep her promise.

Lionel was furious as he walked out of Katherines room. He was not mad at her but he wanted tip Nikolai apart for making him argue with her. Just then he received a text from an unknown number. Lionel froze when he saw the picture. Lana was blindfolded and tied to a chair in what appeared to be a dimly lit room. There was also a message written below the picture. Come alone. There was also an address mentioned and Lionel realised that it was quite far from where he was. He knew that not mentioning this to Katherine was not a good idea. He rushed back to Katherines room and shoved his phone in front of her unable to get a word out of his mouth. He was beyond worried. Katherine calmly looked at the picture and smirked. Nikolai had taken the bait.

Well, what are you waiting for then? Go the address. She said giving his phone back to him. Lionel was shocked by her reaction. Are you telling me to go there alone? He questioned. Yes. I bet Nikolais men are outside the house. They will know if I go with you. Dont worry. She will be safe. She said calling Ansel from her phone. Lionel relaxed, knowing that she has a plan and left hurriedly.

It took Lionel more than an hour arrive at the location mentioned in the message. He thought that it would be an old abandoned building just like the movies but much to his surprise, it was a busy street. There were many buildings around him and he did not know where his sister was. Just then, there was another message in his phone. Get inside the red car. Lionel looked around and sure enough, there was an old red car parked at the side of the street. He hesitantly climbed in and realised that there were three Russian men waiting for him inside. He didnt have a chance to speak before a dirty rag was shoved into his face and he lost consciousness.

The drive took a while and they had to change three cars just in case Katherine was following them. They arrived at the location making sure that nobody was following them and carried an unconscious Lionel inside. Katherine informed Ryder that it was time to put the plan in motion. All member of the family was prepared for this day. They knew that the chances of them returning alive was very low but they did not hesitate to die for their capo.

Ansel continuously tracked Lionels location and realised that his car was abandoned in a busy street. But Katherine had already predicted this. What an old trick? She smirked, getting ready to put an end to Nikolai. She had put a tracker on Lanas necklace and informed the girl of what was going to happen to her. Lana was excited to know everything about Katherine and promised to keep their discussion a secret.

They decided to not leave from the main entrance of the house and to take the secret tunnel instead. They were all ready to spill blood and Nikolai would never know what hit him. Katherine decided that it was time to show the mafia world her real power. Her secret identity as the Capo di Capi.


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