Chapter 11

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Lionel groaned as he woke up with a pounding pain in his head. Hangovers sucked but he couldn't stop himself from drinking after he came home to his friend. Drake decided that Lionel should drink his anger away and that's what the two friends did. But no amount of drinking and cursing Katherine was worth a bad hangover. Lionel was still in his previous nights' tux. He realised that him and Drake had slept on the cold floor. He pushed his friends leg off him and stood up, stumbling while doing so. "Drake, wake up man."  He tried to wake his friend up with a hoarse voice. Lionel quickly walked into the kitchen as Drake woke up with a groan. "What happened?"  Drake questioned looking around the house only to see empty beer cans.

"Didn't you say you have a surgery today?" Lionel asked his friend who was still confused about his surroundings. However, Lionel's question immediately brought Drake back to reality. Drake had completely forgotten the surgery that he had to perform. "Shit! Double Shit!"  He cursed, scurrying around to find his shoes. Drake wasted no time in putting on his shoes and hurried out of the house with a quick goodbye to his friend. Lionel groaned, holding his head as he drank a glass of cold water. He realised that he was stinking when he smelled himself and decided to take a quick shower. He had so much to do and no time to waste. He had to curse Katherine. Hunt for a job and curse Katherine again.

"Being late on the first day of your work is highly unprofessional Mr. Lawson." Lionel jumped when he heard a familiar voice. He was just out of shower and Katherine roamed her eyes over his semi naked body, stopping at his waist since a towel covered the lower half. Water droplets dripped from his hair to his chest which then formed a trail that ended at the towel, which was wrapped dangerously below his waist. Lionel almost screamed bloody Mary when he saw her sitting on his couch. Katherine sat with an elegance fitting a queen, dressed to perfection like always. The ache in his heart suddenly disappeared as he saw her face. Lionel almost hugged her but he was suddenly brought back into reality. "How the fuck did you get into my house?!" He asked, startled by her presence. He was sure that he didn't give her a key. Katherine shrugged nonchalantly. "It was open."  She said casually leaning back on the couch. Lionel realised that Drake must have left the door open when he left in a hurry.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped at her, feeling slightly guilty after realising that it was rude. She raised one of her eyebrows in amusement. "Oops!"  she replied. "Looks like my puppy can bite."  Lionel snorted, unable to believe her nerve." I'm not your puppy."  He replied with annoyance. "Is that the way to greet your new boss?! Rude." She remarked, smirking at him. Lionel looked at her confused.

"Well, MS. Xavier...You are not my boss anymore! You fired me yesterday. Please refresh your memory." He snapped back at her sarcastically. She looked amused again. "I assume that you haven't checked your email Mr. Lawson? " She smirked. "Yes, I didn't! So what?" He asked her in annoyance. "Why don't you check and see for yourself?" She replied confidently and leaned back into the couch.

Lionel opened his laptop and started checking his emails while Katherine enjoyed the view. She knew that it was too early to be horny but she couldn't help it when he was still in his towel. Lionel didn't realise and she didn't want to point it out. Lionel realised that there were two emails, one was his letter of termination and the other one was his appointment as the CFO. His mouth hung open. "What?"  He asked her, unable to form a coherent sentence. Did your brain breakdown? She chuckled. "Don't play with me Katherine! Mr. Kozlov told you to fire me, not give me a promotion." He snapped at her. He was angry with her sick games." Mr. Kozlov is a busy man. Did you really think he was going to follow up on his threat? He wanted to showcase his power and I wanted his signature. The minute I fired you, he forgot your existence. That's how people like him are. It's a win-win situation." She replied, choosing to ignore his rudeness. She had no idea why she let him get away with talking to her that way but she didn't care.

Lionel chuckled sarcastically. "You're nuts. You cannot make a hasty decision while hiring someone into important positions." He replied. " I don't take hasty decisions Lionel. I believe you're the right fit for the position. Don't fight me on this. I'm beginning to get annoyed already." Katherine said. Lionel shook his head. There was no changing her decision but it didn't mean that he wasn't mad at her. She had betrayed him and he wasn't going to forgive her without a proper apology from her. He changed into his suit quickly much to Katherine's displeasure and asked her coldly. "Do you have a ride or do I have to give you a ride, Ms. Xavier." Kate sensed the coldness in his tone but decided to joke with him to lighten up the atmosphere "I'd gladly ride you Mr. Lawson but I'm afraid we're already late. And my driver is waiting downstairs."

Lionel just rolled his eyes at her, trying to hide the smile that threatened to show and walked out of his apartment. She followed behind him and waited till he locked the door. He walked straight to the elevator without caring whether she was following him. He decided to ignore her presence and give her the silent treatment. Katherine understood his plan and briefly thought about smacking his head but decided against it. "Would you be mad if I smacked your ass now?" She asked. " Yes." He replied with a straight face as the elevator doors opened. She muttered a silent okay. Lionel walked straight up to his car and powered the engine. The car roared to life and he left in it without sparing a glance towards Katherine. He saw her shocked face in the rear-view mirror and smirked.

He knew that he was playing a dangerous game. If there's anything that Katherine gets furious about is being ignored by someone. She didn't like it when she wasn't the centre of someone's attention, which rarely happens. But Lionel decided to not back off. Katherine snorted at his audacity. She was surprised that she wanted to snap his neck but was also turned on at the same time.


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