Chapter 16

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Katherine's POV

I saw his retreating figure as I controlled my laughter.This man drives me crazy!

I quickly followed Lionel and his assistant Ravi. I wasn't going to let him get away so easily. I'm not done with him yet. That brat needed to be trained and I was going to do it sweetly, which is not how I do things but Lionel is an exception. Teasing him was somewhat fun!

I now reached the entrance of the building and saw Lionel only few feet away from me, saying something to his assistant.

Ravi nodded quickly and Lionel turned away started to cross the wide busy road in front of the building.I didn't want to follow him all the way wherever he was going do I decided to call him back. "Lionel wait!..... " I called him and regretted it. Lionel turned arround giving me a surprised look which quickly turned into a heartwarming smile. My heart fluttered at his smile. I'm really lucky.

Everything happened in a blur. A speeding black SUV hit him and I heard Lionel's head hitting the road with a sickening crack. The next thing I saw was Lionel lying in a pool of his own blood.

I was too shocked to move. All I heard was few gasps. I ran towards Lionel, and knelt down next to him. I laid his now bleeding heading on my lap.

His head was bleeding heavily and he was unconscious. His legs were twisted in a wierd angle and I realised that it was fractured.
"Lionel, wake up. Say something please." I said too shocked to cry. Ravi rushed towards us with a phone to his ear. He was speaking to someone on the phone hurriedly but my mind didn't register the conversation.

I haven't cried since Alison's death but now, I felt heartbroken.I should cry, I knew it. I was going into shock but I didn't care, I just wanted him to open his eyes, as long as he is conscious,he would be fine.

I heard the sound of siren and paramedics carried Lionel inside the Ambulance.


I sat in front of Operation Theatre as tears flowed on my cheeks. It was all my fault. If only I hadn't called him when he was crossing the road, he wouldn't be in hospital, getting a surgery to his head.

"It's not your fault Ms. Xavier. Please stop blaming yourself. He wouldn't be happy if you're crying your eyes out."
Ravi said.

I just stared at him like an idiot. I wanted yo snap his stupid neck but I knew better than to misplace my anger. If there's anyone I should not direct my anger at, it would be Ravi. That guy has been through too much.

"He's right Kate, it wasn't your fault. Please stop crying dear."Lio's mom said.No matter what people said, I knew the truth. It was definitely my fault.

Soon the surgery was over and Lionel was shifted to ICU.

I saw the doctor coming out of the ICU with a poker face.
He looked like he was in his late forties. A stylish spectacles sat at the bridge of his nose. His dirty blonde short hair suited him perfectly.

"How's Lionel?" was the first thing I asked him as soon as my eyes landed on him.

He looked at me with pity in his eyes. Nevermind, I should just punch his shit face. 

"Open your mouth and say something you moron! Tell me how's my boyfriend now." I snarled at him. Fucking fools.

He looked taken aback by my outburst but quickly composed himself.

"Ms.Xavier, I'm sorry to say this, we've preformed the surgery succesfully but we can't say anything until 48 hours. There's still a high risk for him to get into coma but if he doesn't, he's safe." he said with a worried expression.

"What if he gets into..... Coma?" I asked him. But deep inside me, I felt my heart crush.

His face filled with worry again.
"Let's be positive and hope for the best." The doctor said and sighed deeply as he left me standing in front of ICU.I should feed this bitch to the phiranhas after Lionel wakes up. I mentally noted.

Tears threatened to make it's way out of my eyes but I breathed in deeply and calmed myself.

I turned the knob on the door that was marked in bright red capital letters as ICU. A nurse asked me step outside but scurried away when I glared at her.

I saw Lionel lying on the hospital bed with many wires sticking out of him and some of them connected to different machines.

He looked pale and lifeless. His head was bandaged and he had few bruises on his face as well. His left leg was fractured and right shoulder was dislocated during the crash, and it was now bandaged as well.

I took a seat next to his bed and held his right hand in my palm very gently,since the right shoulder was dislocated.
His right hand was free from wires and I was glad.

I gently kissed his palm and looked at his face again. My eyes brimmed with tears again.

"I don't know whether you can listen to me or not. But if you can,....just listen carefully. Wake up soon. This is an order from me! Do you have any idea of how worried I am right now? I don't know what I'm feeling anymore. It feels like as if my heart is being ripped apart from my chest. So you better wake your ass up and start pissing me off like you always do.... You have no idea of how much I miss you. Hence,like i said before,.... Wake your cute little ass up as soon as possible and dont you dare get into coma orelse I'll fire your ass." I said and cried my heart out. I couldn't hold it any longer.

I sensed a familiar presence behind me and a hand made its way onto my shoulder.
I quickly knew whose hand it was.

"Dad!" I quickly got up and turned arround and hugged him, and he returned it.

"Hello peanut! I never thought that I could see my daughter crying for a guy." He said as a small smile tugged on his lips. Gosh! I hated that nick name.

I just looked at him... Dumbfounded! I didn't know what I should say. I was literally speechless because what he said was right. Never in my life have I cried for anyone. Well, except for Alison.

"I... I don't know why I'm crying dad! He.....he's different.... I feel complete when I'm with him and now,... It hurts me to see him like this. " I ranted and started crying again.

But my dad just stared at me with a poker face.

"Why?" he asked calmly.

I gave him a look of confusion. What does he mean why?

"What do you mean 'why' dad? Lionel is not like the other boyfriends I had. He's different, ....he's innocent, .....he treats me with love and respect..... He loves me... And I love hi" I stopped mid sentence.
Did I just say that I loved him?!!!
Shit! I just did... And that's when I realised.

I looked at my dad in shock but he had a satisfied smile on his lips.

"So... Now my job here is over. Get some sleep baby girl and take care of my son in law." He patted my head and left the room.

I turned over to look at Lionel, sleeping peacefully. God! I really loved this man, all this time but I was too stupid to notice it.

I bent down and placed a soft kiss on his lips. The heart monitor attached to him beeped a little louder for two seconds and returned back to normal.
I smirked as I swelled with pride to know this is the kind of effect I have on him.

"Sleep well My prince, I'll be here next to you." I said and slept on the uncomfortable chair placed next to Lio's bed.

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