Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

Lionel huffed at how sneaky and sly Devon was being. It had been two months after finding out about Devon but still nobody could locate where he was. Katherine was frustrated whenever they found bodies of their guards but nobody knew when Devon appeared and killed them. He came in like wind and left like one. Despite having numerous cameras and security devices installed around all their properties, Devon managed to not get caught on any of them. Ansel basically lived in front of his computer and yet he could not figure out how Devon could hack into their security systems. Lionel now understood why the entire Spanish mafia was going berserk with the mention of Devon's name. Just like Ryder said, catching Devon was not an easy task. The way he was brutalising Katherine's men showed a complete picture of his personality.

"Kat-Kat, your brother wants you to get an apple." Mason said peeking into Katherine's office. Nate, decided to practically live at her house as soon as he heard that Devon was back. Though he was stressed with the whole situation with Devon, he decided to keep her mind out of it by having a sibling banter with her from time to time. "Ask him to get it himself." She sneered at Mason but the guy just grinned, unbothered by his Capo's temper. He quickly ran away to pass the message and Katherine knew that it wasn't over. Her brother wasn't someone who would just leave her alone in peace. And sure enough, just as she anticipated he waltzed in having a mischievous look on his face. Lionel smirked knowing that a petty fight would break out in any second.

"You can't even get your only brother an apple?!" He exclaimed at her as she didn't bother to look up at him from her laptop. Katherine was now around five months pregnant but she looked huge as if she was around seven months along. "Who said you're my only brother?" She rubbed her belly in discomfort. Nate scoffed, throwing a waste sheet of paper at her and that got her to throw a glare at her brother. "The fuck is your problem?!" She cursed at him and this time both men in the room said simultaneously "Language!" Katherine was practically banned from cursing after Lionel learned that babies can hear their mother even inside the womb. She threw a glare at both of them. "If both of you don't get the fuck out of my room, I'll use your intestines as a fucking rope to strangle you both." She threatened and the guys immediately scrambled out of the room. They knew when to run.

As if she wasn't moody enough before, pregnancy mood swings made her temper even worse. Ryder lifted his eyebrows at the two men who hurried into the meeting room as they laughed like naughty kids in action. "What were you both up to?" He questioned them, doubtful. "Why do you think we were doing something bad?" Nate defended. Ryder chuckled, "I never said you guys were doing something bad. It was just a simple question but now that you're getting defensive, why were you guys laughing?". Lionel and Nate looked at each other and simultaneously said nothing. Ryder rolled his eyes at them, they were practically partners in crimes now and his capo hated it. Nothing good ever came from them being friends. "Actually, I think your capo needs her favorite ice-cream to cool off. She just threatened to gut us." Lionel said snatching his car keys from the table.

Ryder was quick to protest. "Capo specifically told you to not step out of the house." He warned. However, Lionel brushed it off, "It's just a ten minute drive and moreover," He pointed at the tracker disguised as a bracelet on his hand, "He's dead if he kidnaps me." Ryder wasn't convinced with his answer but before he could protest, Lionel was already halfway out of the house. Ryder knew that trying to stop him would just be an impossible task and simply ordered his men to follow Lionel from a distance. The guards were quick on their feet to follow Lionel. They kept a safe distance as Lionel shopped, not to disturb his peace but Lionel sighed shaking his head. He knew that Ryder would pull off something like this. The guards however panicked when Lionel walked towards another aisle and wasn't in their line of sight. They quickly rushed towards the way he went but couldn't find him anywhere. They immediately scattered to find him, fearing the worse. They knew that the Capo would have their head on a stick if he returned home with even a small scratch on him. One of them decided to call Ryder to inform him about his disappearance but ended the call when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He breathed out a sigh of relief when he realised that it was Lionel.

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