Chapter One

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"MOM this is their FIRST TOUR and they're playing in RALEIGH!! It's only an hour away, can I go please? I'm begging you," Celine pleaded.

"I don't even know who this band is. What's their name again? Heffron Five?"

"Drive, Mom, Heffron DRIVE. C'mon it's Kendall from big time rush, you know I'm like in love with him!"

"You're in love with all those boys! Which one is he? Is he the short with the really tall hair?"

"No mom that's Logan. You know Kendall...tall, blonde, and eyebrows"

"Ohh that one! The concert is at a nightclub though, ask your father."

As if on cue, in walked my dad: time to pull out the youngest daughter charm. "Daddy, can I go to a concert in Raleigh? It's just Kendall from BTR and his friend Dustin."

"The tall one with the eyebrows?"

"That's the one! Geez mom, you need to learn more about your future son in law"

"What was that?"

"Uh...nothing. So can I go, pleeeease?"

"Your mom and I will discuss it..."

*end of flashback*

That conversation happened months ago and that was the last time either of my parents have talked about the concert, at least in my presence.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't be name's Celine and I'm 18 years old. I've been a rusher since the beginning and when I heard about Kendall and Dustin's Heffron Drive project, I fell even more head over heels for Kendall. As soon as HD announced their first ever winter tour, I jumped at the opportunity to try and go to the concert.

My plan would've worked too, if it weren't for my meddling parents.

They pulled the old "you're too young to go to a nightclub" card on me and left it at that.

Now, here it is, the night before the concert and I'm here eating Thanksgiving dinner with my entire family...oh joy.

Okay, my family isn't that bad, but it'd be a whole lot better if I had tickets to that dang concert; that's all I could think about, literally.

"Earth to Celine," my cousin Craig shouted while shaking my shoulder.

"What?! Can't you see I'm daydreaming about that concert?!" I snapped back.

"Whoa easy tiger," Craig started, "wanna help me with the dishes?"

I was instantly caught off guard because Craig NEVER does the dishes, but before I knew it he had me by the wrist and was dragging me toward the kitchen.

"Okay what's going on? And what have you done with my cousin Craig!"

"Keep it down would ya! Listen, I heard Nana and Uncle John talking about some ticket for you and Jenna. I don't know what it's for, but they're giving it to you when we exchange our gifts so keep quiet until then, got it?"

" it..."

And with that we started to do the dishes, but all the while I kept thinking about what Craig had heard my parents talking about. Could they really be my concert tickets?

I still had a good 30 minutes before we started doing gifts and let me tell you, those 30 minutes felt like forever.

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