❤ Authors Note ❤

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Hello, lovelies Dreamers, ❤ 😍😚

How are you guys? I hope everyone is happy reading my first ever story. But, first of all, I want to thank every one of you for reading my book. Thank you for the reads and your votes and comments. Especially my #WWBC co-members / partners for the support also. I may not reply the soonest but your feedback/comments mean a lot to me. I've been a member of this group since day one and helped me a lot in my writing also.  

But I need to say goodbye to my baby also. I know in every beginning there's always an end and this is the end of my story. It took me three years to finish this one. What a life. I know... I know it's the end of my story and I hate to say goodbye to my baby but it has to. 😢 But goodbyes are not forever. Don't cry sniff..sniff...😢 

This book made me sane. When everything is in chaos and when my life is crumbling to the ground.

This book is what keeps me holding on and it makes me feel I was in a different world and all my hopes come to life. Writing is what made me sane and this story is my baby. It helps me a lot and diverting my thoughts and emotions and makes me realize one thing... I remind myself that I am a good person, I do good things, I have a heart full of love and there is a world full of good people out there.

Sometimes I wanted to fight back and so many times say hurtful things and be cruel. Sometimes people are cruel, the least you expect are the people close to you and they will hurt you all the possible things.

I know every one of us has flaws but what hurts the most is when you trust them and you expect them to do the same. Trusting them with your life and respect them will only hurt you in the end. Sometimes being nice is not your option. Fighting back is the only option you got. I learned to forgive and move on and moving on is what we all need to see our future ahead of us. Live life. Love life. 

So, there loves. Let's stop being so nostalgic and I know everything happens for a reason. Let's go to the other side and be happy because I got some good news for you all...😆😃😄😉 I have written another story and I decided why not make it a book series too. 

So here it is...

Book of Dreams series.
Book I 🌷Dreams of My Past - Alesandra Renaulthe - Nikolai Bolinski
Book II 🍁 Catalina's Dreams - Catalina Anderson - Steffan Guidicelli 
Book III 🌹 Woman of My Dreams - Luis Carmichael - Chantelle 

You can find the book located on the wall of my bio and of course, it'll be much easier if you guys can add it to your library as you will get notified whenever I start updating.

I get excited because of this new story but due to other circumstances, I need to prepare a lot and do some research to make it more realistic as much as possible. I had published 20 chapters for you to start reading it. And later on, when everything is ready and my research story is done I will update it soon.

But for now, I hope you take the time to visit the other side and would love it if you share it with your friends! 😉😆😊😀👏👏👏🙆🙅📚

Again thank you so much!! ❤💕💓💞💝🌷😙😙😚

 Here's the sneak peek of my new story. Enjoy reading it!! Take it away!!

Book II -  Catalina's Dreams

Steffan Guidecilli is an Italian billionaire pretending to be an ordinary guy looking for an ordinary job, in New York City. He arrived in New York without telling anyone. He doesn't want anyone in New York to know his real identity. He changes his name to keep his identity a secret. He met his most trusted friend, Luis who previously works in Bolinski International. Luis knew that Steffan came from the most influential and richest family in Italy. But saying so, Steffan asks Luis not to let anyone of their friends knew that he is in New York and to keep a low profile for him. He told him about his plan to stay for a year in New York. He wanted to work as an ordinary employee and ask Luis to help him find a job with something to do with a Marketing background.

Coincidentally, La' Belle house is looking for a new Marketing manager to fill in the position vacated by the CEO herself. Since Catalina is now the CEO of the company.

Luis made a call to Alice, Catalina's personal assistant,  to make an appointment for Steffan. Luis got him an interview on Monday. He will have an interview with Catalina at eight in the morning, at La' Belle House located in downtown Manhattan.

Wow! I remember Luis told me that Nikolai's wife, Alesandra Renaulthè owned the company but she no longer works there. It was managed by her best friend which is now the CEO of the company. Luis gave me a little hindsight of the CEO. She is a beautiful and charming, but feisty woman when it comes to work and her staff. She's smart and hard-working and most of all, no man is allowed to get near her. Everyone gets intimidated by her presence and personality and no one can break her wall.

He was intrigued by the information he got about this woman and took it as a challenge.

Then let the game begins. 

Okay. that's it then. I'll see you guys on the other side. 😊😚😘 I already published 20 chapters and will continue it soon.


Thank you so much!! Have a great day to y'all! take care guys!! Be happy. Be bold and beautiful!. God bless us all. 

hugs & kisses...
G. 🌷❤😘😚

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