Chapter 48 -Letting go

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Alesandra. Diego. Adam pov.

This is letting go of pain, betrayal, and trusting all over again.
Forgiveness is letting go of all negative emotions and memories. It is moving on with whatever positives remain.

For many years, I had punished myself, feeling that if I forgave more fully then love would blossom, yet in truth, I have never been there at all. The guilt of failure, the weight of accusing tongues, took me into a living nightmare. Yet when I learned what forgiveness is, there was nothing but water under the bridge. I had loved them, yet they had never loved me back.

Forgiveness brings the liberty to love again, to heal the heart, soul, and mind. It is the chance to begin anew with only positivity and break the shackles of resemblance.

I understand why they acted as they did, I released all negative emotions associated with them. Because I know that I'm starting to heal. I live in the present and not the past.

We think that forgiveness is a weakness, but it's absolutely not, it takes a very strong person to forgive.

Diego asks for help with Nikolai of how they would be able to talk to Alesandra without causing any restraints coming from her. To have a heart to heart talk with his older brother, Adam.

Adam and Diego live under one roof and catching up with the lost time. Both of them are still in progress in healing but they wanted to talk to Alesandra to let her know about their lives. To make amends of what happened, to take steps, and ask for forgiveness that no bitterness remains in their heart. To ensure that they don't repeat the negative action. And to rebuild the relationship and love to what it was before or to something deeper. 

Nikolai took the initiative to set up a gathering with only the four of them. The only place he knew is to reserve an intimate dinner for them in a private room in an exclusive restaurant owned by Renaulthe's. Besides Alesandra doesn't have any idea what was coming. It's a surprise but he didn't want to start on the wrong foot like this. He knew Alesandra will be mad at him if she gets the idea of what he's about to say.

Nikolai is waiting in his office and feeling anxious about the occasion that will happen tonight. Every few minutes he would walk around his office. Then sit down, check his phone, and puts it down. Swivel his chair and look at the window. Then again face in front of his laptop, tapping his fingers then check the time on his watch. Anticipating of what has to come.

Damn! I wish I can talk to Allie about this but I don't want to take the likelihood of her being mad at me. But I need to do this if not, who else will.  The only chance for the three of them to reconcile and start reestablishing their lives. I love her, and I will do anything to make things better for them and the future of our own family.

Alesandra arrived in the building for the invitation of Nikolai that they will have dinner tonight in one of her favorite restaurants. Without her knowing that tonight her life will change.

She was in the elevator and the bell dinged as the elevator opens and she walks out from there. Never looking back. She came in with Chris behind her.

Diego was left inside the car. He didn't say anything about their dinner tonight that will take place in her fave's restaurant. Alesandra suggested that he will gonna come with them together with Chris.

Adam texted him and he informed him that he is already in the restaurant waiting for them. Diego dialed his number to call.

Ring..ring.ring..ring.ring Adam pick up his phone.

"Hello, Dad..."

His voice is a little bit shaky. Diego notices it right away. 

"Adam, your good?"

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