Chapter 44 - Three Musketeers

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Nikolai is in his office, thinking about what happened a day ago. He was really pissed off when he saw her standing right in front of him. It all came back to him.

Remembering those moments they spent together turned into painful memories. They are sharp and cut right through him every time he thinks about it.

Even the good moments they had, turned into a nightmare. He remembers every single word she uttered and he remembers how she made him feel like a waste of space. She turned him into a broken mess and made him skeptical about people and love.

But it all turned around when he met Alesandra.

It dawned on him that what he felt then to Simonè is different from how he felt towards Alesandra today.

With Alesandra, it's more intense and fulfilling. He felt a spark, a connection with Alesandra.

She made me feel like none of that mattered, along with all of our worries, our troubles, and our problems. Every time she touched me, there's a wave of warmth that fills me up, spilling out from my heart and the warmth of her kiss on me rushing to every corner of my body.

Every inch of him is saturated with love. The love that only Alesandra had given to him. The woman he loves more than breathable air.

He then grabs his phone lying on his desk. But thought about it twice if it's worth calling his friend, Luis, and talk about her. Sensing his agitation and he can't concentrate on his paper works, he dialed Luis's number.


"Hey man. What's up? Wanna have some drunk dude?"

Luis knew there's something up in the air. Nikolai won't call him unless it's something. It is still in the middle of the day.

"Hey. How do you know dude? Hahaha!"

"Well, first it's still early. Second, I'm working for you. And lastly, you're getting married and Alesandra is pregnant. So there must be something in between."

"Well, let's have a drink. She came here, dude. I didn't expect it."

"What?.. who came ..who?.."

"Simonè.. dude."

There was silence on both lines and Nikolai heaved a long sigh. Luis curse on the other line.

"Shit man!! What happened?"

"Nothing happened dude. Alesandra came and saw her. "

Luis cut him and his voice is shocked.

"What?!! She did. What did she do? Did she know who she is? Did you tell her?.. what did she say about it? What the hell!!"

"Hey, man breathe. Hahaha!! Like I said nothing happened. I want to take a break. Let's go! That's the main reason why I did call you. Don't stress yourself, dude."

"Okay. Let's go then. I'll meet you in the lobby. I know someplace you'll be surprised. Hahaha! It's about time we'll see him."

"What?. Who?"

"Trust me, dude. Bye." Luis cut the line right away.

Nikolai checks his phone if he really did it. He just shrugged his shoulder. Rolling up his sleeves and grab his coat and car keys and turn off his computer.

Looking around his office and march towards the door.

Luis's office is on the 17th floor. He works in the legal department of Bolinski Entreprises. But he was more on Nikolai's business side. Anytime he can leave his office without telling to anyone. He is employed by Nikolai and the Bolinski patriarchs.

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