❤ Updates ❤

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Author's Note :

Hellooooo!!! It's been a while! Yes, I'm back!! Yey!! Lols!  😆😃😀😁😂😅 here it is guys. Updates you've been waiting for.

But first and foremost, I would like to thank every one of you, who took the time to read and vote for my book. I do appreciate it. Thank you so much for all your thoughtful and kind comments and follows. ❤💖

Sorry for my disappearing act. I am going through tough times and this took a toll on my health and putting so much stress on me. But I need to deal with it in legal matters. And still, I'm not totally eager to write and give updates. 😢😭

But recently I was encouraged to write again and to destressing myself from all of my worries. And since I'm out of work, I'll use my spare time to start writing. Eventually, I did start writing and give you guys an update. 😊😆😙😘😚📝📚📖📑

So here it is guys, I have here 3 new chapters for my story. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 😆👍There are twists and turns of the story here but I won't say more.  You'll be surprised. Keep reading till' the end of my story.

But for the next updates, it will take some time again. Our internet connection here is really slowwww like turtle slow, slow. Even if we tried so hard to call their attention to fix it, all our complaints fall on deaf ears. Might as well kill them all. Lols!! So, dearest, the next updates will take forever and ever again. Amen!! 😆😆

Please don't forget to...
SHARE 📚....my story.
Thank you all! Wishing everyone the best. Have a great day ahead every day!! 💖🌹🌺💐
Love y'all,
G. 🌷

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