Special Ending

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It was Shyes turn on night watch. He was alone sadly, leaving him alone with his thoughts. His main priority was to make sure Adrian stayed put for the night or if he saw any signs of y/n to get her home safe. 

Around 5 in the morning he started to doze off when he noticed two figures in a window. He got out of his car and snuck over to the window looking in to see Adrian and... y/n!

'She is alive!' he thought as he ducked down an smiled with a sigh. 'now to find a way to get her out'

Shye waited for Adrian to leave the room before trying to open the window. Luckily there was no screen and the lock was broken so Shye was able to open it. He sighed as he snuck back over to his car and grabbed his radio "Chief, it's Shye. I found Y/n, but she isn't looking too good. Permission to go in?"

"Negative. we are sending you backup. Don't do anything reckless Shye, unless you MUST. i trust you to make the right decisions"

Shye gave a sigh and cursed under his breath. He looked to the house only to see Adrian leave through the front door and head over to a shed. Shye took the chance to sneak back to the window and quickly climb in.

You jumped back and looked at him shocked but relaxed as you saw he was an officer. 

"Y/n, don't worry, backup is on the way. for now I need you to listen to me. I'm going to try and get you out"

Your eyes were dull and you looked defeated as you sat there on the ground. You were in nothing but a long shirt that went half way down your thighs. Your cheeks were red and he could see bruises covering your body. All you did was nod and listen to him speak as he looked around the room for a key. He gave a sigh and was about to use a screw driver to break the lock when he heard footsteps coming towards the room. 

"shhh it'll be alright" Shye told you before sliding under the bed with his gun drawn.

He made it just in time before Adrian came into the room and unlocked you. 

"You know, you're no fun anymore pixie, all you have been doing is causing trouble. You were easier to break than I thought, now I have no use for you" Adrian smirked gripping your hair forcing you to your feet. He held a knife up and slid it down your cheek making you wince but not cry. 

"Don't worry, I know exactly how to make my little dove coo" Adrian growled yanking you out of the room. You gave a slight glance towards Shye. 

The message was silent, but still there 'You tried, I'm sorry you were too late'

Shye felt his body go cold as he watched you get dragged away to the basement. He followed silently, careful not to make any sound or indication that he was there. He winced as he watched you get thrown down the stairs only for Adrian to laugh. 

That was it, Shye moved quickly and took aim at Adrian "Adrian! Freeze! It's over, you lost" Shye yelled as his finger ached to pull the trigger.

Adrian just gave a chuckle "Oh no, I won. I broke this little whore, she's got no more life in her. Now no one will want her" he said as he took a step towards Shye. 

"don't come closer, I will shoot you Adrian!" he warned, but Adrian kept walking towards him only to suddenly grab a  knife from the table and dash forward, but Shye was faster. He shot Adrian in the head, killing him then and there.

Shyes shoulders dropped, but he didn't relax, he rushed down the basement stairs where you laid, knife in your stomach, blood pooled around you. You were clinging to life by a thread. 

"Just hold on y/n, I got you" He said an picked you up as careful as possible before rushing up the stairs and out of the house. He put you in the back of the car, turned on his lights and siren then sped to the nearest hospital. Once there, he rushed you in and you were immediately taken into surgery. 

Shye only went outside to radio the chief on what had happened, he was upset, but understood that he had to do what he had to. After that, Shye stayed in the hospital, even after the surgery, he stayed in your room to make sure you were alright. After a couple hours, you woke up just in time for Dan, Phil, and Xavier to rush into the room. But, when they saw you, they knew the y/n they knew was gone. 

You looked broken, dead, but still alive.

"Y-y/n..." Phil croaked out. "what... what did he do to you?"

You just looked down, you had no emotion, you felt... odd. But didn't know why. You stayed silent. No matter how many times they tried to talk to you, you never said a word. Eventually they couldn't take it anymore, they went to the waiting room to calm down and think things over. Only Shye stayed.

A few minutes later a doctor came in. "Y/n L/n? We need to talk about what has happened."

You just nodded and the doctor looked at Shye who got up to leave, but you grabbed his hand, you felt safer with him there. After all that's happened, he saved you, and hadn't left your side. 

The doctor sat down across from you and gave a sigh "well, you suffered trauma to the back of your skull, but that should heal up just fine... May I ask how you are... feeling at the moment?" she asked looking ar you worried. You could tell she was hinting at something, but didn't know what.

You gave a sigh before opening your mouth, your throat seemed dry, but you spoke softly "I feel... empty... as if I'm missing something" you said looking at the doctor who just sighed and reached over placing her hand on yours.

"that's because... you lost your baby... The fall down the stairs caused the knife in your abdomen to stab into your womb. I'm very sorry y/n"

You looked at her shocked, you could feel a tear fall down your cheek. It was the first real emotion you had felt since Adrian took you once again "I-I was.. pregnant?!" you asked shocked

"By the looks of it, you were about a month along. I'm very sorry y/n. I'll leave you to yourself now, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call" she said sadly before walking out of the room.

Your head dropped into your hands. The baby was his but that didn't matter. It was supposed to be yours, supposed to be raised by you. It never had a chance, he made sure of that.

You felt the bed shift slightly and a pair of arms wrapped around you. You didn't say anything or try to pull away, you let Shye pull you to his chest. You cried, you cried for yourself, what you've been through, that it was over... that you lost a child who didn't have a chance. You cried for everything. 

time skip- 

It has been 5 years now. Dan and Phil came to terms that you were different, they accepted that you wanted to be friends with them and nothing more. Xavier and you are still close, and he even got a boyfriend who he is living happily with.

You practiced art more and more everyday, now you can finally draw and paint. The scars on your body are fading, ut the ones on your hands are plain to see. You don't care though.

You made it through hell, and now you're happy. You still grieve for the child you lost, that you never knew was even there till it was gone. But you found someone who stayed by your side through everything. His name is Shye, and you didn't know it that day at the hospital, but you would grow to fall for him. He was a great cop, he even became chief a year later. 

You two started dating about a year after he rescued you. 

Right now, you're waiting for him to get home, you made his favorite dinner and you're wearing his favorite outfit. 

When he finally got home, he smiled brightly at you and kissed your cheek. 

"Hey hun, what's all this for? What's going on?" he asked as you pulled him to the couch 

"Well... I went to the doctor today and..." you pulled out a small paper handing it to him... it was an ultrasound. "I'm pregnant" you said with a smile.

Shye looked at you shocked for a second before pulling you into a hug and kissing you deeply. You could feel all his love in that one kiss, it was amazing. When he pulled away, his face was bright and he held on tight to you. 

"I'm going to be a father!" he said as if he couldn't believe it

"You're going to be an amazing father"

"And you will be an amazing mother, I love you y/n"

"I love you too Shye"

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