caught in a lie

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Xaviers pov-

I was in the bathroom changing into pjs when I heard small whimpers and cries. I immediately ran out of the bathroom to find y/n still asleep and clawing at her head as she let out cries. I rushed to her side grabbing her wrists and pulling her to me and gently shaking her "Y/n! wake up! y/n!" I call out to her.

I watched as her terrified eyes opened to look into mine then drift to her hands. Before I could ask anything she buried her face into my chest and held onto me crying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" she kept repeating. I just cradled her and gently rocked her as I pulled her into my lap like she were a scared child.

"shhh, it's alright. You're alright now y/n. I will protect you" I said as I gently stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. As much as I wanted to ask about the scars, I couldn't. Not with her like this. But those names kept crossing my mind. 'Why does she have them on her? Who are those guys? Did she do that to herself? What about her hands?'

I gently held her as she started to calm down. The room was completely silent, our breathing and heart beats in sync as we stayed in this position for what seemed like hours.

your pov-

That dream... it was only a dream... Adrian isn't here, he can't control me anymore! But... he's still influencing me. I left two amazing guys because I was scared, and it was his fault. And now I am so close to losing another. I can't let that happen!

"Xavier... I- I have to tell you something for you to understand-" I said quietly breaking the silence as I looked up at him stopping myself. "for you to... try to... understand why I'm the way I am."

He looked at me shocked but just nodded. I gave a sigh as I moved so I was sitting in front of him an took a deep breath before starting to speak.

"W-well I guess I should tell you abit about myself first. You see, I'm originally from (home town/state), but my family then moved to Rawtenstall, Lancashire where.... where I met Phil Lester...." My voice cracked just by the mention of his name. I could feel tears fall from my face. "He is.... he was the sweetest, dorkiest, and gentlest person I ever met. I was an outcast, but he was my friend. He made me feel wanted. Eventually we started dating, he asked me out on my 18th birthday" my hands started to shake an the tears were pouring out. I wanted to go back so bad.

"He was 20 at the time and was really involved with making videos, but I had already known that. So when he said he had huge plans for my 20th birthday and our 2 year anniversary I was so excited.... But....he had asked me to wait at our special arcade we always went to and I did... For a few hours... in the rain... I tried calling him, but couldn't reach him. So I went to his house to see if he was alright, I was so worried... but, I found out that he was making a video and forgot about our date" I stopped as I started to remember the next events The memories flooding back from that night were taking over. I had to calm myself down. When I looked up at Xavier, I saw sorrow and heartache in his eyes. He placed his hand on mine and gently squeezed.

"you- you don't have to continue y/n, it's aright" he said gently, but I jut shook my head. I had to continue, I had to tell him.

"n-no, it's fine" I muttered closing my eyes an gave a sigh as the shaking went down. "I-I was so hurt that he just forgot about something that was so important to me. I felt like he cared more about his damn videos than he did about me!" I opened my eyes as I looked up at Xavier "so I left... I ran away from him, the anger and hurt was so much it felt like my heart was being strangled. I- I ran into town as I let the rain wash my tears from my face. I was about to turn back but- but then-" I stopped again hugging myself "then, this... man stopped his car next to me asking if I wanted a ride, of course I said no, but... but he forced me into his car!" I cried out hanging my head low.

Xavier hugged me tightly rubbing my back. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. I looked up at him "wanna know something? even though he hurt me, even though I was angry at him, all I could think about was Phil as he drove us away. He kept me locked up in his basement for months, since the first night, he would-" I couldn't say it, and I could tell that Xavier knew exactly what I meant.

"y/n... I-I'm so sorry" he said. Sorrow filled his voice

"After the first year I was allowed out of the basement, but not out of the house. For 5 years, I was his maid, forced to do what he and his friends wanted. He made me pretend we were a happy couple for five fucking years!"

-time skip cause you know the rest of the story-

"and that brings us to now... Honestly, I miss Dan and Phil more than anything, but I'm afraid of going back. I'm afraid I'll just hurt them more" I said with a sad smile "I love them... but I can't have them"

No ones pov-

Dan and Phil were looking around town again for any signs of you. They have gone out everyday in opes of finding you wandering so they could atleast ask you why you left. It was now dark and they were back at their flat. Phil was in your room silently hugging your pillow that still smelled like your shampoo. Dan was in his room staring at his phone, just staring a selfie you two took. Both your smiles huge as if all the happiness in they world was yours.

Dan was about to turn off his phone when it started to ring. He looked at it in shock as your name and face lit up the screen. He immediately answered it "Y/n?!"

"hi, I found this phone here at the park and was wondering if you would like to pick it up for your friend. It looked expensive and they are probably freaking out, right?" a girls voice said with a chuckle. But it wasn't the girl voice I was hoping for. But then an idea filled my head.

"Y-yeah, just give me an address and I'll go pick it up. just text it to this phone" I said as I bolted up an ran to Phil as I hung up.

"Phil! I may know where y/n is!"

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now