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Xavier pov-

After y/n fell asleep I decided to go downstairs and find out if there was any room available since I didn't think she would want to share a small room with one bed in it. Luckily the room next to mine was vacant and I was able to book it. As I made my way to the gift shop for some snacks and drinks to cheer up y/n when she woke up I noticed two really tall guys walk in looking worried and as if they hadn't slept for weeks. I just ignored them and went into the shop buying the snacks quickly. when I came out they were talking to a girl who was flustered and fussing over them.

"Oh my god! I-It's you! It's actually you! When I saw the names on the phone I thought it was an inside joke between friends, but its really you! Dan and Phil!" she said excited causing me to stop as I was about to hit the elevator button.

'did I just hear her correctly? no, I couldn't have. I'm just still processing the story y/n told me. yeah, that's it' I let out a small nervous chuckle to myself shaking my head and pressed the button. 'damn thing! go faster!' 

I let out a sigh as the doors slid open, but before I could go inside my phone rang. I grabbed it from my pocket and smiled seeing that it was y/n and quickly answered.

"Hey, don't worry, I just went downstairs for some snacks and drinks. I'm heading back up now" I said softly but there was no answer. I stepped inside the elevator and gave a sigh thinking she just didn't want to talk "by the way, I got myself a different room, but don't worry, it's right next door just incase you need me alright? i'll see you in a few seconds" I said hanging up and pressing the button to the 3rd floor. Before the doors fully closed I thought I saw the guys from earlier rushing to the elevators, but I could have been wrong.

No ones pov-

Dan held the phone in his hand but before he could ring the courage to say something the one marked as 'Xavier' in y/ns phone hung up.

"Dan! I think thats him!" Phil said pointing towards the elevators.  Dan looked at the pic on the contact then at him just as he clicked a floor. It was him. 

The boys tried to rush to the elevators, but they closed before they could reach it. "Dammit!" Dan growled hitting the elevator door. "Dan, he went to floor 3!" Phil said as he pulled me to the stairs. 

They never thought they would be able run as fast as they did. They sprinted up the stair to the 3d floor just in time to see Xavier go inside the room with y/n who was just waking up.

They slowly went to the door and knocked. 

your pov-

you smiled as Xavier handed you your favorite drink "thanks, how long were you gone for?" you asked sitting up. Before Xavier could answer you both heard a soft knock at the door. 

Xavier was about to get up but you held up your hand "its fine, I'll get it" you said it getting out of the bed and stretching. You opened the door and froze as you saw Dan and Phil standing there holding hands with worried looks. Seeing them like this made you go back to the day you had moved across from them. 

Before you could say anything they pulled you into a tight hug. The feeling of being in their arms made your heart flutter and everything from the past few weeks spilled out in tears. You held onto them tightly as you cried and burried your face against them. 

None of you said anything, you just stood there hugging in silence, none of you wanting to let go.

"y-y/n?" you heard a shakey voice say. When you turned around you saw Xaviers hurt face looking at you "is that really them? Are they the ones you talked about?" you could hear the pain in his voice and you couldn't say anything. "it is... I knew it... you're going to leave with them... Aren't you? You're going to leave me" 

You felt Dan and Phils hold on you tighten not allowing you to comfort your friend. "Xavier.... " You said softly not knowing what to say. You wanted to go with them, you loved them. But you didn't want to leave Xavier.  You could feel your heart struggling to decide. This is the reason you left. You couldn't deal with this, you couldn't choose. 

Without a word you tore from the boys arms and locked yourself in the bathroom from them all. All you could do was cry as you hugged your knees an covered your ears as they knocked on the door begging you to come out.

no ones pov- 

After a while the boys decided to leave you alone and not push you into anything. You needed to be alone and they accept it so they decided to go to the room next door and let you have your time. They were about to go in to talk when the girl from before noticed Dan and Phil and ran up to them "hey! I'm sorry for bothering you again, but my little sister is a huge fan and wanted a picture as well. is that alright?" she asked gesturing to a little girl, no more than 8 walked up to them slowly.

"of course, we would be lucky to take a picture with such a cutie" Phil said picking up the little girl who giggled.

They posed with the little girl smiling big as the girl took the picture. Just as they did you opened the door accidentally getting caught in the background. You gave a small gasp realizing that the three boys were still outside. You had planned on sneaking off and going for a walk but decided against it after seeing them still there. Xavier gently knocked on the door after the girl left with her sister and said softly for you barely able to hear "we're going to leave you alone y/n, so you can think about what you want. All we ask is that you don't leave the building, please y/n" he sounded so defeated that you wanted to open the door and hug him, but before you could you heard the door next door close and silence outside the room. 

you were left alone with your thoughts for the night.

At the prison-

Adrian had successfully escaped thanks to the help of a few friends he had who were guards. He was able to slip out with clothes and a phone. 'Now to see what my little doll has been up to while I've been gone' he thought as he put his hood up walking to a 24/7 internet cafe and looked through anything with y/ns name. He found out about his brother which made him angry and swore to get his revenge. He figured you would have moved and would be with that damn Phil Lester, so he searched him up to see if he could find anything. 

Just his luck, a certain girl posted two pictures just two hours ago with a certain someone. The caption of the first picture which was of her in between Dan and Phil was 'look who I just ran into while on vacation!'. Adrian studied the picture and smirked as he could see the name of the hotel in the background. The second pic was of Dan and Phil holding the little girl between them. Y/n could be seen slightly in the background inside her room. 'gotcha doll' he smirked as he got up and left the coffee shop heading to get his stolen prize.

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now