cry for help

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        After you had given up and decided to listen to Adrian you both walked for a while before coming up to an old car park. You watched as Adrian looked through the cars before finding one he liked, he quickly hot-wired it before having you get in. He was calm the whole time as he drove away. All you could do was look out the window in sadness as you thought about Phil, Dan, and Xavier.

Adrian seemed to notice and he placed a hand on your thigh pulling you back to reality. "You're mine again pixie. Don't ever forget that again. I'm sorry about what happened, I just got jealous. I didn't want to lose you, you belong to me. I own you. Understand?" he asked looking at you warning. His eyes seemed darker than before and you nodded.

"Yes sir, I understand" You said once again going back into your mode of being under him. It was like a switch in your brain that made you behave when with him. He programmed you to be like this, and you couldn't change it.

He smiled taking his hand off your thigh and turned on the radio. "Y/N L/N is once again missing, she was last seen at (random hotel name) being carried by who looked like Adrian Hales, who was arrested after being wrestled to the ground when he tried to shoot Y/N L/N. If you see her, please call the police right away. She is (height and weight) with h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes, and her hands have scars on the palms. Thank you" Adrian just smirked and shook his head

"They'll never take you away from me again" Adrian muttered squeezing your thigh tighter to where it hurt causing you to wince. "Those boys didn't love you, I love you"

That made you get angry and you gritted your teeth "They did love me, they still love me! And you know what? I love them! I will always love them more than I will ever love you!" You snapped. As soon as you said it, you wished you hadn't. Adrian looked at you shocked before stopping the car.

Your eyes widened as he immediately grabbed your throat and slammed you into the car door. You could barely breathe as he squeezed and leaned so close you could feel his breath on your lips. All you could do was look up at him terrified.

"Don't you ever raise your fucking voice at me again. And you better forget those fuckers because they will never find you alive" He growled giving one more tight squeeze before shoving you against the door harder and let go. All you could do was gasp and cough from the lack of air. Your head stung where it hit the door but you ignored it as you sat back in silence letting tears roll down your cheeks. All you wanted to do was to be back in the hotel away from Adrian.

Adrian drove for a couple more hours before coming up to an old house that was a few miles from the nearest neighbor. You jolted awake feeling the car park and looked around confused before you realized that this was the place he had taken you to the very first night. Your mind flashed back to it all and all you could do was press your back harder against the seat ad shake in fear.

This was the place it all started, where everything happened. This was the first place you had been beaten by Adrian to near death, this was the place where you were chained up for the first time.... it was the first place that you were.... that you were raped....

Adrian went around to your side of the car and opened the door grabbing your arm to pull you out but you screamed and shook your head as you cried "No! Please not here! Please! I can't go back here! I can't be here!" You begged as you fought with all your strength. But Adrian was much stronger than you and dragged you inside like nothing.

"Quit fighting! You will only make things worse for yourself my little pixie" he said amused as he through you into the one room you hated most. You tried to run past him but he shoved you against the wall and grabbed a chest from under the bed. The home was just like how you remembered, it was a normal looking home, little dust but not much. No one would be able to tell what actually went on here just by looking at it. Inside the box was a familiar chain and collar with a lock.

"You will always be my pixie" Adrian said as he walked over to you. You could only stare in horror as you knew what was coming and there was nothing you could do about it

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now