Tragedy Ending

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       warning: this chapter may be triggering, it includes indications of rape and self harm.

 The next morning felt odd. Adrian had allowed you off the chain and collar, but he was sure to watch you closely. You of course didn't try to escape, you were too broken to even try. You did as told, you ate, got dressed, cleaned, and did whatever else came to his mind. Adrian was surprisingly being nice to you.

"You know, you really are beautiful my little pixie. Everyone thinks so. My friends sure do miss you" he said as he stroked your cheek as you sat on the couch. "What do you say we invite them over? Just like old times" 

        Your eyes widened as he said that and you looked up at him in horror. You had a small part of your past that hadn't been recreated, and he was going to take it. He knew it would kill you and he wanted that. He wanted you to be in pain. He wanted you to regret everything.

        Before you could protest he already had his phone out and was sending the fateful text. You could feel your body tense as he forced you to your feet and smirked, pleased with himself. "You better behave, they will be here very soon" He warned. 

        Sure enough about half an hour past and you heard that dreaded knock at the front door. There was nothing you could do but close your eyes and endure whatever they had planned.

-time skip-

        A few hours later and it was over. You were in the bathroom letting the boiling hot water pour on your body from the showerhead. You scrubbed and scratched at your skin as you cried, still being able to feel their hands all over you you scrubbed harder. Your body was red and raw by the time you finished. Your crying never seized. You turned off the water and just sat in the tub hugging your legs to your chest as tears fell down. You heard a loud knock coming from the front door and your heart stopped 'No more.... there can't be more...' You thought to yourself and jumped up locking the bathroom door even though it was against the rules. You heard yelling, but couldn't make out the words as there was banging on the bathroom door, all you could hear was the banging of your heart. You looked around and hit the mirror as hard as you could causing it to shatter. 

        You gripped a shard of mirror and yelled loudly "I will not be your Pixie anymore! I will die before you control me again!" You screamed out before holding the shard to your arm. Your hand shook as you forced it deep into your arm cutting as deep as you could down to your wrist. Your hands shook as you cried out from the intense pain as the crimson polled on the floor under you but you thought about what would happen if Adrian were to somehow save you. You would be punished severely so you forced yourself to do the same to your other arm. Your head began to spin as you collapsed on the ground leaning weakly against the tub. Unable to hold the shard any longer you dropped it in the pool of blood that formed under you. 

        Just as you began to black out the door broke open and police men rushed in. They immediately rushed to your side using towels to wrap your arms in hopes of saving you, but it was too late. It was at that moment you realized what was being yelled.

"This is the police, Y/N open the door, you don't have to worry anymore, it's all over" 

But it was too late... They were too late... You had been too far gone to save. 

Adrian had won....

        Adrian always wins in the end...

                Why would this time have been any different?

-Time Skip-

        Phil clung to Dan as the funeral went on. Seeing Y/N there in her f/c casket made his heart break. She looked as if she were just sleeping. Only, this time she would never wake up again. He would never hear her laugh, see her smile, see her bright eyes, or hear her voice ever again. 

        Dan was more depressed than before, he wanted to bring her back. Never had he hated death so much. Never had he wanted to go back in time so badly. He wanted his Y/n back, but he knew she wasn't coming back. She looked so peaceful laying in the coffin. For once she looked as if she were at peace. 

        Xavier had his head down. His eyes were now dull, his hair looked as if he hadn't combed it in over a month. He looked so pale one would think he should be in a coffin as well. He hadn't known y/n long, but he was closer to her than he had been with anyone. She accepted him, and he loved that. He learned that he wasn't inlove with her like Dan and Phil, but that he wanted to protect her like a big brother.... and he feels as if he failed.

        The three boys now live together, Xavier started a youtube channel for himself and was quite popular. All three made their own video diaries telling stories of their memories of y/n. She was widely accepted and loved by all the fans. Now, at her grave fans make sure to leave flowers every week. Dan, Phil, and Xavier all go to her grave and just talk as if she were still here. They miss her more than anything.

        A few years later, Xavier met a girl and they got married. He even had a daughter and named her y/n. He loved her with all his heart, and so did Dan and Phil. They made sure she knew just how loved she truly was.

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