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your pov-

Dan didn't hesitate and immediately ran to Phil. You were left standing in the middle of the room infront of your mirror. All you could do was look at yourself once more. You shook your head and grabbed your shirt putting it on. You couldn't do this anymore, you had to get away from it all. This wasn't you... not anymore. Without thinking twice you grabbed a dufflebag and began throwing clothes in. Once it was full you grabbed a backpack and began to put other stuff inside such as your toothbrush, hair brush, makeup, pencils, pens... you hesitated before grabbing your sketchbook. you held it in your arms close to your chest and sat on the bed in silence.

silence? You got up and looked into the hallway and saw Phils door opened slightly. Looking inside you saw Dan laying in Phils bed holding him to his chest tightly. Both boys were sound asleep.

You looked down at the floor and gently closed the door before going back to your room and putting the sketchbook inside the back pack. You grabbed a few snacks before throwing the backpack on and holding tight to the duffle bag.

'No turning back y/n. For once you're doing something that's your decision'

Without hesitating you left the apartment with a smile on your face. You knew the boys would be upset, but this was our choice. You were going to forget everything, and they were going to forget you.

You sighed as you got on a bus and looked out the window to look at the building one last time before the bus pulled out and began to drive. You didn't know where you were going, but you knew it was going to be somewhere you want to be.

the next morning, Dans pov-

I woke up and the sun was shining through the blinds. Phil was still sound asleep with his head on my chest. I smiled to myself as I ran my hands through his hair. I missed this. Since when did things become so complicated? Yesterday afternoon was a nightmare, but after explaining to Phil everything that happened, he opened up to me and I guess we fell asleep.

I wonder how y/n is doing... She's been pretty quiet... It's probably nothing. I thought to myself as I fell back asleep.

After a few more hours I woke up to Phil messing with my hair and his cheeky smile. I couldn't help but smile back at him and sat up stretching.

"Morning, the world says hello" Phil joked and I shook my head

"Actually I woke up pretty early, but you were clinging to me so I had no other option than to go back to sleep" I said with a smirk.

"Well it's 3 in the afternoon, we should check to see if y/n is awake" Phil said getting up and stretching.

I groaned and laid back down "You check, I dont wanna move"

Phil just laughed and shook his head "fine ya big baby, I'll go see how she's holding up" Phil said stepping out of the room.

It wasn't even 2 minutes before Phil came running back in with a worried face "Y/N is gone!" he yelled

I shot up and ran past him into Y/Ns room. Her room was so... bare. There were few articles of clothing left, but all her art supplies, makeup, electronics... it was all... gone. Y/N was gone...

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now