Xaviers Ending

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It was around 3 in the morning when Adrian ran into the room and forced you up.

"come on! Fucking hurry!" he growled taking the chain off you and forced you out of the room. You followed his instructions without an argument, your mind too far gone.

You allowed him to push you outside into the stolen car and sat there leaning your head against the window looking out with a blank look on your face as he drove.

"they fucking found us, what did you do?! How did you call them?!" Adrian demanded gripping your hair and yanked your face to his. "which one gave you a phone?" he asked referring to his many friends that he allowed over

You shook your head "i didn't call anyone" you muttered

"you fucking liar!" he yelled an pulled your hair harder causing you to let out a small whimper.

"I swear that I didn't" you pleaded

Adrian just growled an let go of you as he drove.

Back at the house only Xavier noticed the escape  but no one was listening, they swore that they didn't see anything to indicate it, but the man on watch had fallen asleep.

Xavier growled "fine, then get out and check if the car is there"

The officer rolled his eyes an hot out of the car allowing Xavier to jump to the drivers seatsand drive off after his y/n.

It didn't take him long to catch up to Adrian, when he did he rolled down the passenger window and yelled out to you "Y/N! You have to fight him! Please!" Xavier pleaded. 

But he was too late, you had given up completely, You looked at him sadly and mouthed sorry before turning away from him closing your eyes.

Adrian just smirked and pet your hair softly "there's my good Pixie~" He said smiling.

Xavier gritted his teeth and without thinking rammed the cop car into Adrians car causing you both to go off the road. Xaviers car luckily stopped before hitting anything, but Adrians car rammed into a pole. Adrian had hit his head against the steering wheel and your head hit the window. 

You could feel blood drip down the side of your face as you weakly lifted your head to see Xavier force your door open and pull you out. 

You looked at him confused as he was yelling something at you, but the ringing in your ears was too loud to understand anything he was saying. You were about to pass out when you saw Adrian rushing up behind Xavier with a knife, you suddenly go a burst of energy and pulled Xavier down to you before turning around so you were above him. You let out a cry as Adrian stabbed the knife deep into your back and took it out. But before you could feel another stab you heard three pops then Adrian fell to the ground. 

Xavier held your face looking at you terrified. "why would you do that?!" he cried out 

You looked again to Adrian letting a weak smile come to your lips "he finally lost the game... I won..." you said before passing out. 

Police and paramedics rushed to yours and Xaviers sides.

-time skip- 

You woke up to a familiar bright room and beeping. Your eyes traveled around the room falling on the three boys who were sitting next to you. Without a second thought you leapt to your feet and engulfed Xavier in a hug.

He saved you... again. 

You looked up at him as tears fell down your face "Xavier.... thank you" you choked out as he looked at you shocked. He gave a chuckle an ruffled your hair 

"I couldn't let him take my little sister from me" he said with a small smile 

You giggled an leaned your head against his chest. Xavier was someone you could trust, someone you could open up to. You may not have known him as long as you did Dan and Phil, but he was closer to you than they were, he was your best friend. 

"wait! Sister?" Dan and Phil exclaimed at the same time 

"Well yeah, about two months after we met, he had been my protector like a big brother. He thought he liked me romantically, and even kissed me, but really he just cared alot about me. He acted as if he liked me that way because he hated you both" you explained "we texted while he was talking with you both and that's when we found out that we love eachother as friends, he was trying to protect me from you"

Xavier just gave a small chuckle and nervously looked at Dan and Phil "You both had hurt her so much with the love triangle that I wanted you both gone. But this whole time you never gave up on her, I honestly don't care who she picks anymore" he said running his fingers through your hair and laid you back in your bed.

"Actually... I spent so much time locked up that I figured out who I'm going to pick" you said softly looking at your hands nervously. 

The boys looked at you shocked and leaned close waiting for your answer.

"I pick... myself" you said with a chuckle and shook your head "I spent over 5 years trapped, I need to figure out who I am, what I can do, what I should do... I don't want to make whoever I'm with feel as if I'm not giving my all. I'm sorry" You muttered as tears fell down your cheeks.

Dan and Phil sat at the foot of your bed and sighed. "It's fine y/n... You need to discover things for yourself. We understand, and we'll always be here for you" they said hugging you tightly 

-few years later- 

You had moved into an apartment with Xavier across from Dan and Phil. You started a youtube channel to tell your story and share experiences. It grew popular thanks to Dan and Phil. You taught yourself to draw again, though you still are having trouble, you are trying hard. 

You are still single, and actually are very happy this way. You have become more confident, though you now have a service dog to help with sudden anxiety attacks. He is a husky named Nightmare and you love him dearly. You are loving your life and can't wait to see what's ahead.


You were in line to get a coffee after your morning run, nightmare was on your hip with his blue vest. As you were looking at your phone you bumped into the guy in front of you and immediately became flustered.

"I'm so sorry!" you said frantically as the guy turned around. He was slightly taller than you, his brown hair was pretty dark and short, he had brown eyes and glasses. 

He gave a chuckle and shook his head "hey, its fine, don't worry about it. Wait... you're y/n right? I've seen your videos!"

You blushed abit and nodded "y-yeah. that's me"

"I'm Anthony. May I buy you a drink? please?" he asked hopeful.

You reluctantly agreed and ended up spending most of the morning with him. You exchanged numbers and texted all day and night with him. 

After about two weeks of flirting nonstop you both decided to start dating. Now, a few years later you both are still together and couldn't be happier. 

You were on the couch cuddling and watching movies, you loved to just relax with him, he never pushed you to open up or to talk. You were able to do things at your pace, he would just encourage you. 

"I love you Anthony"

"I love you too Doll"

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now