I'm baaaack

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Phils pov-

We were talking for a while in the room next to y/n for a few hours already. It took every bit of will power not to run to her room and smother y/n with love. Xavier explained to Dan and I what has happened over the past few weeks. We learned that they got really close and that he protected y/n. I clenched my fist as I thought about y/n sleeping in that park, out in the open, while Dan and I searched all the wrong places for her.

My poor y/n...

Does she even want me anymore? She was willing to put up being alone in the cold to get away from us...

My mind flooded with thoughts just as I heard a knock. It was faint and only I seemed to hear it. I got up with a sigh "I... I'm going for a walk... alone" I said looking at Dan who was about to get up to follow "I need to be alone and think" I lied as I quickly left the room. I closed the door behind me quickly before they could see y/n who was standing there shocked about me rushing out.

Before she could say anything she hugged me tightly, tears running down her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry" she muttered between sobs.

"shhh it's alright. Xavier explained everything y/n... You are not coming in between Dan and I, we both kinda knew that what we had was just temporary. We're meant to be best friends, not lovers" I said gently lifting her face so I can look into her e/c eyes.

"We both love you y/n, and I think that Xavier cares for you like a best friend, but I don't think he'd be right for you. The way he talks about you is how Dan and I talk about each other. Dan and I truly love you y/n" I gently moved her hair from her face. I realized that we probably shouldn't be talking where Xavier and Dan could both hear so I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me into her room.

I sat by the window, the stars were shining bright it was enticing. Y/n sat next to me and we talked for a while. Not about relationships, but about the world and how she was healing. She admitted that she doubted she would ever draw again and it broke my heart. Her eyes filled with sorrow as she said it. It was as if she had lost a piece of herself.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry" I said as I pulled her into a hug. We talked for about three hours before I decided I should be getting back. I was about to kiss her, our lips almost touching when I decided against it and kissed her cheek instead "goodnight y/n, you need to rest" I said with a smile as I got up and left the room. I gave a sigh as I leaned on the wall across from the room an smiled to myself, for once in a long time, I'm happy with how y/n and I are.

"Hey, where have you been? We're ready to turn in for the night" Dan said opening the door.

"I told you I was going for a walk" I said as he pulled me inside.

Adrians pov-

luckily the bus was still going, I was able to get pretty close to where I was supposed be. I walked into the hotel casually and made my way to the stairs. With each floor, I checked the room numbers till I got to the third one. There I saw him. Phil Lester had just walked out of a room followed by y/n. He was about to kiss her, but then kissed her cheek. I had to fight down my rage as I watched him get pulled into the room next door. 'Oh this is too easy' I thought as I went over y/ns room. I gently knocked and waited for my little one to open the door for me.

your pov-

I was just falling asleep when I heard the knocking on the door. 'it must be phil, he probably forgot something' I thought as I got up sleepily opening the door without checking who it is and turned to get back into bed "get what you need, just close the door when you leave" I said with a yawn.

"Hey Doll, did you miss me?"

My eyes widened but before I could turn or scream I felt myself get hit in the back of the head before seeing spots and everything going dark.

Adrians pov-

I looked at my y/n as she laid on the floor and looked around for a way to get her out without drawing attention. I gave a sigh as I realized I would have to carry her. I picked her up draping a blanket on her body and put her arms on me as if her ere holding onto me.

I closed the door gently and made my way to the stairs. The less cameras I get seen by, the better. I carried her down and into the lobby, luckily it was so late that there was no one there, not even at the desk. I easily slipped out and looked around at the cars. I was about ready to just break a window when I found a car with the back door opened slightly. I opened it to see abunch of toys and a car seat "dumb kids, don't they know you should always check to make sure you close the door?" I said with a chuckle and unlocked the car. I threw y/n in the passenger seat and hot wired the car with ease.

"By the time anyone notices we're gone, it'll be too late" I said gently petting her hair before driving off.

After a couple hours I was far enough from the hotel to relax. when I noticed I was by a car park. I drove up to a ditch that was hidden from the road and got out grabbing y/n. I gave a smirk as I put the car in drive and used a rock to on the peddle so it drove itself into the ditch. I ave a chuckle and picked y/n up off the ground and walked into the car yard. I found an ok looking car along with some old rope. "not the best, but it'll do" I muttered as I tied Y/ns hands and legs before throwing her in the trunk of the car and got in. I looked around the car and found the keys in the glove compartment 'stupid people, guess they assumed no one would steal this car, it is pretty messed up, but not too bad'. I thought to myself as I drove away with my darling y/n in the trunk. I was able to drive in peace as the sun started to come up letting thoughts of revenge fill my head getting me excited.

back at the hotel a few hours later-

Phil was the first to wake up. he had fallen asleep on the floor with Dan using a couple pillows and blankets. He got up careful not to wake anyone and snuck out of the room. He gently knocked on y/ns door and waited a few minutes. when there was no answer he knocked again, but still no answer. He gave a sigh deciding she was asleep and went back into the room with Xavier and Dan where he laid down closing his eyes. He was about to fall asleep again when his phone rang loudly waking up Xavier and Dan. Before phil could answer Dans phone started to ring as well. They looked at eachother confused before picking up

"hello?" they said in unison. Xavier just rolled his eyes and turned around to go back to sleep.

"what?!" they yelled sitting up causing Xavier to jump up and look at them as i their crazy. "How could he... yes, she's fine, she's here with us in a hotel room... well not exactly with us, but next door.... yes we're sure she's there... alright, we'll call you if we see anything"

"Can you both stop that! you sound like the twins from the shining!" Xavier snapped as they hung up.

"Adrian escaped from jail. They aren't sure when he did, it was sometime in the night. They believe he is going to try and find y/n" Phil explained still in shock. "b-but she's still in her room, I talked to her last night before coming back into the room, she was going to sleep"

"wait. you went to talk to y/n?! you were gone for 3 hours!" Xavier snapped sitting up angrily

"all we did was talk, I swear. we didn't do anything. She just needed someone to talk to and I just so happened to be outside when she came out"

"You really expect me to believe you just talked for 3 fucking hours?!" Xavier yelled

Dan could tell that Phil was being honest, plus he knew Phil, he wouldn't touch anyone unless they were together.

"Hey! leave him alone! If he said he didn't do anything, then he didn't!" Dan growled at Xavier glaring at him.

"you know what, why don't we go ask y/n?" He said getting up

Dan and Phil looked at eachother and sighed "we'll let her sleep for an hour longer, then we can go talk to her" Dan said softly "she had a long evening and night"

They all agreed and decided to sleep as well believing that y/n was safe in her room. But really, she was getting farther away from them than ever before.

And this time, they may never get her back.

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now