Dan's Ending

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        Adrian burst into the room first thing in the morning and dragged you up by your hair. You were taken off your chain before being pulled down into the basement. You didn't fight back, you ere too scared to. You allowed him to drag you down till you saw a table just like the one back at Ivans. You yanked yourself away from him and tried to run up the stairs screaming for help, only for Adrian to grab your ankle making you fall. You hit your head hard on the cement stairs and you could feel blood trickle down the side of your face as he pulled you to him and strapped you on the table. Your vision was coming and going as you watched helplessly. 

        You couldn't even scream as he ripped open your shirt and used a knife to cut a line across your stomach. All you did was wince and before he could make another mark you heard the front door getting kicked in. You saw the surprise on Adrian's face as he lifted the knife and stabbed your chest before getting shot in the head. You let out a cry from the pain and the last thing you saw was an officer rush to your side. 

        The officer quickly untied you and carried you up the stairs before putting you on a gurney and rushing you to an ambulance.  

        Shye called the boys quickly to tell them that they were rushing y/n to the hospital. Back there, they had y/n in surgery for over 4 hours to remove the bade. But luckily, the procedure was a success. The whole time the boys were in the waiting room afraid of getting the worst news possible. But when they learned that you were out of surgery they relaxed. 

        Dan let out a breath of relief as he lept to his feet asking the nurse if he could go see you. She gave a sigh and nodded motioning for Xavier and Phil to come along as well. They all followed her to the room where you laid once again connected to more equipment. tubes sticking out f your arms and even on your chest. Dan sat next to you and gently brushed your hair from your sleeping eyes. Your head had a bandage around it since you cracked your skull on the stair, but they don't think there wasn't any major damage

"we are so glad you're alive y/n... I'm so glad to have you back" he muttered holding your hand as tears rolled down his face. He hated seeing you like this. "I- I love you y/n. so fucking much that it hurts" he said as he cried. Just as he said that you opened your eyes and looked around confused. You looked at the three boys in confusion and tried to sit up but groaned in pain. Dan held you down gently "hey, hey, it's alright, you're alright" 

You looked at him scared as you spoke softly "wh-who are you? where am I? what's going on?" you whimpered

Dan looked at Phil who rushed out of the room, pulling the doctor inside "What's going on?1 She doesn't remember us!" Phil cried

The doctor went to your side and looked you over "Can you tell me your name?" she asked 

You thought hard before answering "P-Pixie. My name is Pixie" You muttered 

Everyone looked at you shocked "Where's Adrian? Where's my husband?" You cried out worried

Dan squeezed your hand looking at the doctor for any answer as to what was going on.

She sighed "Gentleman... it's actually not that big of a surprise. She hit her head causing amnesia and her mind is trying to fill in the blanks, sadly since for 5 years, plus this month, its not surprising that she remembers her life as 'pixie' to be who she really is. Usually... if you expose her to things from her past, she may gain her memories back, but there's a chance this may be permanent ... I'm sorry. I will leave you all alone for a few minutes." she said before leaving.

"Phil and Xavier looked at eachother sadly before phil said "I- I need a few minutes" and walked out as tears fell down his face. Xavier followed after him and went into the waiting room dropping his head in his hands. 

        Dan looked at you sadly sitting next to you once again and sighed "You don't remember me, but we were really close. Your name is Y/N L/N and.... and you're amazing. Adrian isn't your husband, he was your kidnapper. I'm sorry y/n..." Dan said looking down. He was unable to look at you as you watched him. There was something familiar about him that made your heart flutter. 

"I love you y/n. And I was wrong at first. I'm sorry for judging you" 

Your mind flashed back.

"don't leave, you're welcome here. I'm so sorry for being harsh. All this time I thought you left Phil, hurting him badly and not caring. I'm sorry for judging you" Dan told you. 

He looked down at you, something was in his eyes... recognition....Without hesitation he kissed you deeply. 

When he pulled away, you could only look up at him in shock.

"i-I'm sorry, but now I see you, and I may just be able to fall for you. So now I guess maybe Phil and I are competing for you because I doubt he wants to share"  

Your eyes filled with tears as you let out a small cry "D-Dan..." You croaked out.

Dans head shot up and he looked at you shocked "y-you remember me?!" He asked with a smile. Like the first time he leaned in without hesitation and kissed you deeply. You could feel the love in the kiss as he gently held your chin. 

When he pulled away you both smiled "I... I love you Dan" you said as a tear fell down your cheek. 

        A few months later, you and Dan made it official and started dating. Phil and Xavier were upset, but understood. Phil had told you both that he felt as if you loved him more and you learned to love them both like brothers. 

        After 3 years, Dan proposed and you were both married. After a few months you were pregnant and couldn't be happier. Dan has treated you like a princess from the start, and you loved him more deeply than anyone could imagine. And  now you were about to have a family with him, you couldn't ask for anything more.

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