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Your first night in the apartment you slept on the futon even though both boys offered a spot in their beds. You didn't know how to react towards them so you kept your distance. You loved Phil but you grew feelings for Dan as you got to know him. You were so confused and you wanted to just sleep but your mind wouldn't let you. Around 2 in the morning you got up and looked around for abit. As you looked at the pictures of Dan and Phil together you got tears in your eyes as you thought about how you could come between them. You stared at a picture of them kissing before deciding you couldn't have either if them. You grabbed the bag holding your clothes and let out a small igh before going down to the door and giving a look back before walking out. You looked at the door across from you for a few minutes before punching and kicking it hard as you cried. 

After you were done your knuckles were bleeding and you gripped your bag tightly as you ran out of the building. 

"I'm free... I'm finally free... " you thought to yourself as you ran and tears flowed freely from both happiness and sadness. 

When you reached a park you dropped to your knees and hugged yourself as you smiled through the tears. After a few minutes you hears footsteps behind you and a hand touched your shoulder. 

When you turned around you came face to face with deep green eyes and a twisted smirk. "hey there, what are you doing out so late? Are you looking for somewhere to stay honey?" he asked gripping your shoulder tighter. 

"N-no, I'm fine thanks" you said as you got up and tried moving away from him only for the man to grab your hair causing you to yell "No! I will not be a prisoner again! Let me go!" you struggled an tried to punch him but he grabbed your wrist pushing it back causing you to cry out. 

Before he could do anything else he was tackled to the ground and you watched terrified as Dan beat him for laying a hand on you. Afterwards he was knocked out and Dan went over to you worried looking you over paranoid. 

"you're lucky I followed you! Were you just gonna abandon Phil and I?! " he yelled when he found you were fine. Tears welled up in your eyes and you shook your head as you backed away from Dan. When he saw you were afraid his expression softened and he pulled you into a tight hug." you really are a handful y/n" he said lifting your face to his "but you're my handful" he said kissing you softly 

Your eyes widened as you felt his lips against yours but slowly melted into the kiss. His arm wrapped around your waist as his other hand was tangled in your hair. The kiss went from gentle to deep as time passed. When you finally broke apart your head was fuzzy and your body was warm. 

"come on, let's get you home. And we aren't telling Phil about your little stunt" Dan said taking your hand and pulling you towards the apartment. "by the way, we're moving tomorrow. We decided that we need a bigger and better place and we're taking you with us, no arguing" he said sternly. You just nodded as you followed blindly.he could have dragged you to the gate of hell nd you wouldn't have noticed because all you could think about was the kiss. 

-next day-

You sat in Dan's room as you listened and watched the boys across the hall draw cat whiskers on each other and be dorky together. Every now and then you would let out a giggle or laugh as they got higher from the sharpie fumes. After a while you picked up some paper and stole a pencil from Dan's desk before sitting in the bed and began to draw. You would look up at the boys to check some things and finished your sketch as they finished the video. When they walked in they looked at you curiously as you hid the picture. 

"what's that~" they asked as they stood in front of you but you just blushed and shook your head. 

"n-nothing" you said giving a slight smile

"she's lying" Phil said as he tackled you and began to tickle you "grab it!" he yelled as you squirmed and laughed hard trying to get away. Dan quickly snatched the picture and Phil stopped tickling you. You laid down panting from the laughing as Phil looked down at you his face almost touching yours. You could smell the mint on his breath as he leaned closer and kissed you deeply. The kiss was completely different from Dan's. Phil's kiss felt so warm and full of love. He only pulled away when Dan cleared his throat and looked at Phil frustrated but didn't say anything. He then turned his attention back to the picture and smiled. 

"you're very talented y/n, this picture is beautiful " Dan said in awe as he studied it. Phil immediately got up and grabbed the paper looking at it before smiling wide" this is amazing! " he said excited and hugged you." we're framing this" he yelled as he ran out of the room leaving you and Dan alone. 

A blush crept up your cheeks as you looked up at him embarrassed but he only knelt to your height and kissed you softly before biting your bottom lip "your kisses are mine, I will have your love y/n" he said before walking out leaving you sitting on his bed completely flustered and blushing deep red.

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now