Too Late

349 9 3

At the police station~

"Hello?! Y/N?! Are you still there?!" the dispatcher called worriedly into her headset before cursing under her breath. Luckily though she was on the line long enough to get a semi-accurate location of the call. "Sargent! I located F/N L/N! Ivan Hales has her and is hostel" she called bursting into the police Sargents office.

Dan and Phil immediately shot up out of their chairs at this and looked at the girl "you what?! Where is she?! Why aren't we going there now?!" both yelled at the same time making the girl take a step back.

The sargent got up and grabbed his jacket walking out of the room fast and calling out "Listen everyone! Y/N has been located and is in danger. I need my best men with me on this and all the people within a 5 mile radius on location stat! We cannot waste time or it will cost her life!" He said loudly and seriously. Within seconds people were up and getting their things, putting on vests, and getting the location.

Dan and Phil looked at everyone shocked at how swift and calm they were acting, but could see on their faces that each one was terrified for not only their own lives, but Y/Ns as well. Within minutes they were in their cars, sirens blaring loudly. Both boys were in the car all the way at the end with a backup officer in case hi was needed. Phil held onto Dans hand tightly as the man drove.

Back at the house~

Ivan gripped your hair tightly as he pulled you out of the closet. You could see the puncture wounds on the side of his face as he looked down at you. His eyes were full of hate and murder as he stared at you. You let out a cry as he dragged you outside. You struggled, kicking and hitting and screaming, doing all you could to somehow break his grip on your hair, but to no avail.

Ivan dragged you through a field of dry grass that was up to his knees. He threw you inside an old shed that was dimly lit by a broken window on the side. In the shed was typical tools such as saws, screw drivers, drills, etc. From the ceiling hung several thick chains. And in the center of the room was a wooden table that was stained.... blotches of red stains....

Your eyes widened as you put the pieces together and screamed louder trying to run out the door, but Ivan grabbed you by the waist lifting you up, and slammed you onto the table causing the air to be knocked out of you. While you took a minute to regain your breath Ivan had already chained your arms and was now chaining your legs down.

After half an hour of screaming and crying and trying to get off the table, you ran out of energy and panted as Ivan just looked down at you, watching amused.

"You know... I went down there to give you water and food. I was planning on making you a deal of giving you freedom in return of being my... servant if you will." Ivan said as he rput his hand on your head moving your hair out of your face and petting you. suddenly he gripped a handful of your hair and yanked it back.


"However.... After what you did... You will be lucky to see the sun set you bitch" He growled. You looked up at him in hatred before spitting in his face.

"Fuck you! I'll see you and your asshole brother in hell where you belong" You said spitefully "You're going to the deepest circle of hell there is you fucking bitch"

Ivan wiped his face before gripping your throat choking you. "Oh, I'm the bitch? When you have been fucked by more guys than I can count in the past 5 years, not including those two boys you have wrapped around your little finger" he growled squeezing your neck before letting go causing you to gasp and choke for air.

'well I'm gonna die anyways' you thought as you looked up at him with a smirk "m-more than you c-can count? thats n-not saying much now"

"Thats it you fucking whore" Ivan said grabbing a screw driver from the wall and stabbed your hand causing you to scream loudly in pain. "Have anymore smart-ass comments ?!" He yelled as he grabbed another and stabbed your other hand. He didn't give you time to answer as he pulled out a pocket knife and ripped your shirt open. "In fact, you're such a whore, lets start naming all the guys you've screwed. starting with my brother who you love so much"

You looked at Ivan in horror as he put the blade to your stomach and started carving. You bit your lip hard making it bleed as you held back your cries not wanting to give him more satisfaction. After the third name he looked down at you with a smirk as you started feeling light headed, ready to pass out from the pain and blood loss. "Oh come on, if you're just gonna sleep through it, I might as well finish the job"


You just watched as he raised the blade over his head ready to plunge it into your heart. All you could do was think of Dan and Phil and their smiles as you readied yourself to take your last breath.

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now