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Phils pov- 

"No no no no, I lost you all those years ago and I just got you back! Please please please don't die on me" I cried as I held my y/n in my arms. 

"Phil,  you need to let her go" I heard Dan say from behind me making me angry 

"how could you say that!? I told you what happened and now you expect me to just let her go!? " I cried louder 

" no,  Phil the doctors need to take her" he said pulling me off my long lost y/n

"oh... " I mumbled an let him pull me away. 

I watched as the paramedics take y/n away as I was in the arms of my new love, Dan Howell. We met a week after she left and started dating after a year. 

I told Dan about how I loved another but he's done all he can to try an make me forget. But now that my love is back, I don't know what to do, I love y/n but I also fell in love with Dan. Maybe I should stay with Dan, after all he's the one that healed my broken heart. 

Dans pov-

So that's y/n,  the one that broke my Philly's heart. She's beautiful, I'll give her that. But she's a wolf in sheep's clothing! She left Phil for this abusive asshat. 

But then again maybe there's a reason for it,  after all she seemed happy to see Phil when we came to the door and terrified when Adrian showed up. Maybe she was just scared. But now that he's out of the way she might try an take Phil! 

Argh! Why am I thinking about this? Phil is in my arms, he's mine not hers. She can't take him away from me... Can she?

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now