new life

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You watched as people got on and off the bus. You studied each persons face and body language. You loved watching the couples the most because they had something pure in your eyes as they looked at eachother. Something you wished you had.

You hadn't noticed several hours passed by till you noticed the sun start to go down and you decided to get off. The lights of the buildings gleamed brightly around you and you smiled to yourself. You looked around smiling brightly and walked up and down the streets looking through the store windows. People passing by without even a glance at you and you liked it. Back at the mall it was weird to you that people kept staring and whispering about you, but now you were just like everyone else, your face left their minds now that time has passed.

You were walking and looking though the windows when you collided with someone. You both ended up being knocked to the ground and when you looked at the person you saw a boy with bright blue eyes and shaggy black hair. You both looked at each other for a second before bursting out laughing. He got up and offered his hand.

"So sorry, I should have been watching where I was going. Are you ok?" he asked with an odd accent.

"uh y-yeah, I'm fine, and its alright. I wasn't looking where I was going as well" You chuckled nervously as you took his hand and he helped you up.

"doesn't matter, let me get you something to eat as an apology" he said picking up your duffel bag and putting it over his shoulder. You blushed as you looked up at him, he was about half a foot taller than you. You thought about it for abit but then smiled and nodded.

"Alright then, but I'm paying for some of it" you said and he looked at you abit shocked.

"w-well ok, anywhere you want to eat? I'm new here so I don't know whats good"

you let out a small chuckle "Well i'v never been here before so let's go to the first restaurant we see"

He nodded and looked around before pointing to a cafe in the corner. "How about there?"

You smiled and nodded and you both walked together in comfortable silence. When you sat down at a table you looked through the menu trying to find something cheap. Eventually you settled on the thought of getting a soup.

"sooo what's your name?" the boy asked looking at you intrigued.

"Oh um my name is y/n. what about yours?"

"Xavier" he said with a bright smile. His eyes seemed to shine and you couldn't help but smile with him.

Dinner was great, you and Xavier had alot in common. It felt so nice to talk to someone normally. When you were with Dan and Phil, it was like they were walking on egg shells with you. They didn't know what could set you off and it annoyed you. Talking with Xavier made you feel like a person, like you weren't broken and fragile. He occasionally looked at the scars on your hands, but didn't ask, frankly you were glad for that.

After dinner you both stayed and talked till closing time, even then you were both sad you had to leave.

"Hey, um, where is your hotel if you dont mind me asking?" you asked curiously. You hadn't booked a room anywhere yet, it hadn't really crossed your mind to.

"I'm staying just up the street, it was really cheap so I thought 'why not'?"

"mind if I walk with you there? I need to book a room and I don't really know hotels"

Xavier blushed slightly but nodded "of course, come on" He said grabbing your hand pulling you over to the hotel. Once inside you went up to the desk requesting a room, but sadly they were fully booked.

"Is there any other hotels you could recommend?" You asked sadly

The girl behind the desk started telling you about a few hotels, but sadly they were out of your price range. If ou wanted a hotel you could afford you'd have to go to the next town over.

With a sigh you thanked her and walked over to Xavier who was waiting by the elevators. When he saw you looking upset he put his hand on your shoulder. "Hey what's wrong?!" he asked concerned

"I uh, I can't stay here, it's all booked" you said looking down. "B-but that's ok! I-I uh know another place I could stay! The receptionist helped me out by telling me a place!"

Xavier pouted "If you want I could help you take your stuff to th-" "No!" you said shaking your head "i- i got it, don't worry"

We hugged before switching numbers and saying goodbye. Once I left I gave a small sigh and started walking. 'maybe I can find a park or something near by'

Sure enough I found just that. A huge park. Smiling to myself I laid down on a bench and looked up at the sky till you fell asleep.

new neighbor(Dan x reader x Phil) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now